«Telekanal Zvezda» is a Russian state-owned television channel that broadcasts news and documentaries primarily focused on the Russian military and its activities.

The channel's programming features a range of content, including reports on current military operations, historical documentaries about major battles and conflicts, and interviews with military experts and veterans. It also often showcases modern military equipment and weaponry, highlighting advancements in Russian defense technology.

«Telekanal Zvezda» is known for presenting a perspective on military affairs and historical events that is largely aligned with the official Russian viewpoint. It often emphasizes the role of the Russian military in protecting the country's interests and defending its national security.

While «Telekanal Zvezda» is a state-owned channel, it has gained some popularity among segments of the Russian population who are interested in military affairs and history. Its programming can offer insights into the Russian military's activities and the country's defense policies.