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Channel "Leomax 24"Logo of the channel "Leomax 24"

«Leomax 24» is a Russian television channel specializing in advertising goods and services. It is known for its commercials, which often use humor and emotional appeals to grab viewers' attention. The channel broadcasts commercials for a wide range of goods, from household appliances to food products, as well as services such as financial, tourism, and medical.

It's important to note that «Leomax 24» is an advertising channel, so its content should be treated with caution. The advertisements shown on the channel may not always be objective, and prices for goods and services may be inflated. Before making a purchase decision, it's essential to carefully verify information about the product or service and compare prices with other sellers.

Broadcast options for channel "Leomax 24"

  • Broadcast (translation) language - Russian
  • Channel website "Leomax 24" -

Note: Dear visitors, we are not the owners of the «Leomax 24» channel. We are not responsible for broadcast programs and channel broadcast problems.

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