Channel "English Club TV" schedule for
Note: Dear visitors, we are not the owners of the «English Club TV» channel. We are not responsible for broadcast programs and channel broadcast problems.
Note: Dear visitors, we are not the owners of the «English Club TV» channel. We are not responsible for broadcast programs and channel broadcast problems.
In this episode, the heroines will discuss a variety of healthy diets and ways to keep fit, as well as help you memorise new words, досуг, хобби
The characters in this issue will get caught in the rain and discuss the degree to which their clothes are waterproof while learning new words with you, досуг, хобби
Here, you’ll make best friend with the main characters to learn how to successfully combine a healthy lifestyle with delicious food, познавательное
Let's talk about a movie night. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, you will learn three sets of words that are commonly confused in English. These are: «close» – «clothes», «pair» – «pear», and «hair» – «hare». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) BALD versus BOLD; 2) METRE versus METER; 3) SINCE versus BECAUSE. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) CLOTHES versus CLOTH; 2) DEVICE versus DEVISE; 3) HEAR versus LISTEN. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) the difference between: SURPRISED / ASTONISHED / IMPRESSED; 2) WITHIN versus DURING; 3) CV versus RESUME. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Герой фильма – солдат, который оказывается в теле некоего человека и вынужден постоянно переживать чудовищный взрыв поезда, пока наконец не поймет, кто его устроил. На все про все у него есть 8 минут и ни секундой больше. С каждым разом – а если точнее, с каждой своей смертью – капитан Колтер Стивенс знает немножко больше, но сколько еще смертей и возрождений к жизни он способен выдержать? «Исходный код» – фантастический технотриллер с Джейком Джилленхолом в главной роли… Реж.: Дункан Джонс. В ролях: Джейк Джилленхол, Мишель Монахэн, Вера Фармига, Джеффри Райт, Майкл Арден, Кэс Анвар, Расселл Питерс, Брент Скэгфорд, Крэйг Томас, Гордон Мастен. США, Канада, 2011, триллер, фантастика
A series of animated films organized into several thematic blocks, for those who want to improve their spoken English and learn many useful expressions and vocabulary units, познавательное
A series of animated films organized into several thematic blocks, for those who want to improve their spoken English and learn many useful expressions and vocabulary units, познавательное
Today we will visit the largest and most famous of London’s churches, St Paul’s Cathedral. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Today you will see England’s most popular river, the River Thames. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Learn what happened today in history around the world including major events, познавательное
In this episode: meet Elinor Olisa, co-founder of one of the UK’s first online art galleries. Великобритания, 2012, биография, док. сериал
In this episode: listen to the interview of Mark Powell, an unusual London artist. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: try your hand at performance textile art with Harriet Riddell. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) CULPRIT versus CRIMINAL; 2) TO DUMP versus TO DAMP; 3) SHOP versus STORE. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) JUMP versus LEAP; 2) GOAL versus OBJECTIVE; 3) SANDWICH versus BURGER. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode curious facts from the history of taxis. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
В мультфильме «Искусственный мальчик» представлена необычная парочка: временно прикованный к инвалидному креслу полицейский Алекс и 11-летний Лео, обладающий необыкновенными способностями – он умеет становиться невидимым и пролетать сквозь стены и дома. Благодаря опыту и знаниям одного и физическим возможностям другого, героям картины удается защитить журналистку Мари и спасти родной Нью-Йорк от полного разрушения… Реж.: Жан-Луп Фелисиоли, Ален Ганьоль. В ролях: Жан-Пьер Марьель, Эдуард Баэр. Бельгия, Франция, 2015, для детей, анимация
In this episode: you will learn such prepositions as «over», «through», «to», «behind», «between» and «in front of». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, you will learn irregular verbs – «do, have, make, say, get, take, hit, put, cut, hurt, cost». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Герой фильма – солдат, который оказывается в теле некоего человека и вынужден постоянно переживать чудовищный взрыв поезда, пока наконец не поймет, кто его устроил. На все про все у него есть 8 минут и ни секундой больше. С каждым разом – а если точнее, с каждой своей смертью – капитан Колтер Стивенс знает немножко больше, но сколько еще смертей и возрождений к жизни он способен выдержать? «Исходный код» – фантастический технотриллер с Джейком Джилленхолом в главной роли… Реж.: Дункан Джонс. В ролях: Джейк Джилленхол, Мишель Монахэн, Вера Фармига, Джеффри Райт, Майкл Арден, Кэс Анвар, Расселл Питерс, Брент Скэгфорд, Крэйг Томас, Гордон Мастен. США, Канада, 2011, триллер, фантастика
Combine education with leisure, and learn English with the help of movies. You will get to learn some fun trivia about each specific movie, and test your language skills in a more informal manner, познавательное
Combine education with leisure, and learn English with the help of movies. You will get to learn some fun trivia about each specific movie, and test your language skills in a more informal manner, познавательное
In this episode, you'll find out what tricks company employees are capable of when their boss won't give them a well-deserved holiday, познавательное
In this episode, you'll see how important it is to take your job responsibilities seriously. But does the main character know exactly what they are? Let's take a look and find out, познавательное
Creative American teacher and blogger Luke Priddy introduces the intricacies of the American English and the cultural specifics of the United States. Вед.: Люк Придди, познавательное
Creative American teacher and blogger Luke Priddy introduces the intricacies of the American English and the cultural specifics of the United States. Вед.: Люк Придди, познавательное
In this programme: How to accept invitations in 3 different ways. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: visit the Pompidou Centre in Paris and learn some idioms with the words STONE, GLASS, STEEL and PIPE. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
You will learn how to create beautiful and simple appliqué work with your children. Take coloured paper and crepe paper – and we’ll end up with a giraffe. Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
You will learn how to make a beautiful and simple picture using some unusual techniques with your child. We will make a zebra out of plasticine. Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Little inventors will be able to enrich their vocabulary and make a toy for their very own collection. In this episode, we’re going to make a Valentine’s card. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, you will learn how to talk about the weather in English. In today's episode, «Weather». Великобритания, 2012, музыка, познавательное
THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH – a story about an old couple and a magical stream. Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
Today’s program is «Birthday party». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Today’s program is «Beach». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Everything is ready for Christmas and a Christmas tree and a treat. Just waiting for Santa, досуг, хобби
This episode will give you the opportunity to learn new words and phrases to describe work and anything else that might happen in a modern office, 2024, досуг, хобби
This episode is about fire. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode our little chefs will cook Texas Salsa. Реж.: Елена Русаченко. Великобритания, 2012, для детей, для семьи, познавательное
In this episode our little chefs will cook Banana Bread. Реж.: Елена Русаченко. Великобритания, 2012, для детей, для семьи, познавательное
This episode is about learning English. Реж.: Ирина Коновалова. Великобритания, 2015, для детей, познавательное
This episode is about having lunch. Реж.: Ирина Коновалова. Великобритания, 2015, для детей, познавательное
In this episode – «SPOOKY BOO», 2023, познавательное
Go on an adventure with Alfred and Wilfred!, 2023, познавательное
In this part, you'll enjoy a scenic countryside landscape, experience the convenience of using a mobile phone and see a spectacular night time panorama of the city, познавательное
In this episode, you will study a number of useful phrases describing public transport and ways to get around the city (Part 1), 2024, досуг, хобби
This issue will introduce you to useful words and phrases to describe playing sports to keep yourself fit, 2024, досуг, хобби
In this episode, we will be cleaning the house with the main characters, and we will learn many expressions and words to describe the cleaning process and the tools used, 2024, досуг, хобби
In this series, you will become familiar with the basic technologies for generating green energy and learn many of the necessary words and expressions on this topic in English, 2024, досуг, хобби
In this episode: useful vocabulary for communication with dentists. Реж.: Джейм Паглия. В ролях: Колин Фергюсон, Салли Ричардсон-Уитфилд, Джо Мортон, Эрика Серра, Нил Грэйстон, Найолл Мэттер, Tembi Locke, Крис Готье, Уоллес Шоун, Крэйг Андерсон. Великобритания, 2012, док. сериал
In this episode: road traffic. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Италия, досуг, хобби
A series of animated films organized into several thematic blocks, for those who want to improve their spoken English and learn many useful expressions and vocabulary units, познавательное
A series of animated films organized into several thematic blocks, for those who want to improve their spoken English and learn many useful expressions and vocabulary units, познавательное
In this episode: interesting facts about the weirdest jobs. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: secrets of the Friends sitcom. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
All About is a highly-informative educational program which provides interesting facts from every topic imaginable: science, politics, history, art, sports, society and more. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, we are travelling to the Stolen Space Gallery, which is in London. And we are going to see a very special exhibition full of meaning. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, we are travelling to Brazil. Let’s visit Brazil’s largest city – São Paulo. There are lots of fallen trees there. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
This issue is all about talking about holidaying by the pool and learning new words related to the topic, досуг, хобби
In this issue, the heroes will discuss ways of cooking spaghetti, and help you memorise the necessary vocabulary for a conversation on such a topic, досуг, хобби
In this episode, the characters discuss their outfits and jewelry, and also discuss gifts for their wedding day, introducing you to new words on the topic, досуг, хобби
In this episode, you’ll get an opportunity to scrutinize the quality of food in a good restaurant and find out if it is worth the effort, познавательное
Let's talk about weather. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, you will learn several English homophones – «flower – flour», «muscle – mussel», «wine – whine». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) OVER versus ABOVE; 2) HOLIDAY versus WEEKEND; 3) an abbreviation BTW. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) SUBSTITUTE versus REPLACE; 2) FULL STOP versus PERIOD; 3) a short form WE’VE. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) HAVEN’T versus DON’T HAVE; 2) SET OFF versus SET OUT; 3) AGO versus BEFORE. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: running a software development company with Julian Tall. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: running a Wi-Fi company with Mark Hillman. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
«Business Words» is the latest series featured on the revamped English Club TV website. The program is designed specifically to teach Business English to B2 or Upper-Intermediate level learners. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: insurance. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this programme: How to say, «I don’t know» in 3 different ways. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this programme: How to accept invitations in 3 different ways. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Best Of The Best is an intriguing program with wise and inspiring quotes on various topics to improve the level of the language. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Best Of The Best is an intriguing program with wise and inspiring quotes on various topics to improve the level of the language. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
You will learn how to create beautiful and simple appliqué work with your children. Take coloured paper and crepe paper – and we’ll end up with a giraffe. Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
You will learn how to make a beautiful and simple picture using some unusual techniques with your child. We will make a zebra out of plasticine. Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Little inventors will be able to enrich their vocabulary and make a toy for their very own collection. In this episode, we’re going to make a Valentine’s card. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, you will learn how to talk about the weather in English. In today's episode, «Weather». Великобритания, 2012, музыка, познавательное
THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH – a story about an old couple and a magical stream. Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
Today’s program is «Birthday party». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Today’s program is «Beach». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Everything is ready for Christmas and a Christmas tree and a treat. Just waiting for Santa, досуг, хобби
This episode will give you the opportunity to learn new words and phrases to describe work and anything else that might happen in a modern office, 2024, досуг, хобби
This episode is about fire. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode our little chefs will cook Texas Salsa. Реж.: Елена Русаченко. Великобритания, 2012, для детей, для семьи, познавательное
In this episode our little chefs will cook Banana Bread. Реж.: Елена Русаченко. Великобритания, 2012, для детей, для семьи, познавательное
This episode is about learning English. Реж.: Ирина Коновалова. Великобритания, 2015, для детей, познавательное
This episode is about having lunch. Реж.: Ирина Коновалова. Великобритания, 2015, для детей, познавательное
In this episode – «SPOOKY BOO», 2023, познавательное
Go on an adventure with Alfred and Wilfred!, 2023, познавательное
Together with the director of an industrial giant, you will find out if making quick decisions during work processes is such a good idea, познавательное
In this cartoon, the main character will face an obnoxious boss who completely prevents him from completing any task at all. But is this really the case?, познавательное
Most people depend to some extent on others' opinions of themselves and want to conform to the positive expectations of others. This is how such a story ended for the main character, who had not seen his friends for a long time, познавательное
All About is a highly-informative educational program which provides interesting facts from every topic imaginable: science, politics, history, art, sports, society and more. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: interesting facts about most beautiful villages. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: interesting facts about weird Guinness Records. Part 2. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, we’re in Washington, D. C. Spring has come the American capital. And it’s time for the Kite festival. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, we are in Japan. And we are going on a picnic. It’s a special picnic. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Creative American teacher and blogger Luke Priddy introduces the intricacies of the American English and the cultural specifics of the United States. Вед.: Люк Придди, познавательное
Creative American teacher and blogger Luke Priddy introduces the intricacies of the American English and the cultural specifics of the United States. Вед.: Люк Придди, познавательное
In this programme: How to offer a gift in 3 different ways. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: explore the Elizabeth Tower and learn some idioms with the words FACE, ARROW, CLOCK, BELL, SQUARE and ROUND. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Learn what happened today in history around the world including major events, познавательное
In this programme, boxing circuit. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this programme, TRX band circuit. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: an interview with a female cab driver from London, Paula Doolan. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: an interview with a Burgundy wine shop owner, Philippe Séré. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: find out what it takes to be a real estate agent with Saeid Nazemi. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: tips from a professional organizer, Konnie Labecki. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
This episode focuses on the nuances of using plurals with some common words, досуг, хобби
English is easy! Watch entertaining stories and learn the English grammar! The topic of today’s episode: Present Perfect Continuous Tense. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: visit King’s Cross and learn how to talk about the future. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: visit fascinating Granary Square and learn how to use the words «somebody» and «something» correctly. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: visit the famous Parliament Square and learn the difference between the modal verbs «must» and «have to». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
It is a simple tale of pen-friendship between two very different people; Mary Dinkle, living in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia and New Yorker with Aspergers, Max Horowitz. Реж.: Адам Бенжамин Эллиот. В ролях: Тони Коллетт, Филип Сеймур Хоффман, Бэрри Хамфриз, Эрик Бана, Бетани Витмор, Рени Гейер, Йен «Молли» Мелдрам, Джон Флаус, Джули Форсайт, Кристофер Мэсси. Австралия, 2009, драма, комедия, фильмы
In this episode: running a software development company with Julian Tall. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: running a Wi-Fi company with Mark Hillman. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this part, you'll enjoy a scenic countryside landscape, experience the convenience of using a mobile phone and see a spectacular night time panorama of the city, познавательное
In this episode, you will study a number of useful phrases describing public transport and ways to get around the city (Part 1), 2024, досуг, хобби
This issue will introduce you to useful words and phrases to describe playing sports to keep yourself fit, 2024, досуг, хобби
In this episode, we will be cleaning the house with the main characters, and we will learn many expressions and words to describe the cleaning process and the tools used, 2024, досуг, хобби
In this series, you will become familiar with the basic technologies for generating green energy and learn many of the necessary words and expressions on this topic in English, 2024, досуг, хобби
In this episode: useful vocabulary for communication with dentists. Реж.: Джейм Паглия. В ролях: Колин Фергюсон, Салли Ричардсон-Уитфилд, Джо Мортон, Эрика Серра, Нил Грэйстон, Найолл Мэттер, Tembi Locke, Крис Готье, Уоллес Шоун, Крэйг Андерсон. Великобритания, 2012, док. сериал
In this episode: road traffic. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
This issue is all about talking about holidaying by the pool and learning new words related to the topic, досуг, хобби
In this issue, the heroes will discuss ways of cooking spaghetti, and help you memorise the necessary vocabulary for a conversation on such a topic, досуг, хобби
In this episode, the characters discuss their outfits and jewelry, and also discuss gifts for their wedding day, introducing you to new words on the topic, досуг, хобби
In this episode, you’ll get an opportunity to scrutinize the quality of food in a good restaurant and find out if it is worth the effort, познавательное
Let's talk about weather. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, you will learn several English homophones – «flower – flour», «muscle – mussel», «wine – whine». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) OVER versus ABOVE; 2) HOLIDAY versus WEEKEND; 3) an abbreviation BTW. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) SUBSTITUTE versus REPLACE; 2) FULL STOP versus PERIOD; 3) a short form WE’VE. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) HAVEN’T versus DON’T HAVE; 2) SET OFF versus SET OUT; 3) AGO versus BEFORE. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Рисованный мультфильм о необычной дружбе. Она – маленькая мышка, он – огромный медведь. Она – ребенок, он – взрослый. Она мечтает быть художницей, хотя по правилам своего мира должна стать дантистом, он – музыкант и поэт, ведущий бездумную жизнь и никогда не имеющий куска хлеба на завтра. Они живут в разных мирах: для обитателей мышиного царства нет ничего более дикого, чем подружиться с «большим плохим медведем», да и его соседи вряд ли поймут, зачем водиться с мышкой. Но дружба и родство душ сродни настоящему волшебству. И какое этой парочке дело до условностей, разницы в размере, исторических предрассудков и культурных барьеров? Реж.: Стефани Обье, Венсан Патар, Бенжамин Реннер. В ролях: Полин Бруннер, Энн-Мари Луп, Ламбер Вильсон. Франция, 2012, анимация
A series of animated films organized into several thematic blocks, for those who want to improve their spoken English and learn many useful expressions and vocabulary units, познавательное
In this episode: interesting facts about the weirdest jobs. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: secrets of the Friends sitcom. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
All About is a highly-informative educational program which provides interesting facts from every topic imaginable: science, politics, history, art, sports, society and more. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, we are travelling to the Stolen Space Gallery, which is in London. And we are going to see a very special exhibition full of meaning. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, we are travelling to Brazil. Let’s visit Brazil’s largest city – São Paulo. There are lots of fallen trees there. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Learn what happened today in history around the world including major events, познавательное
In this programme, boxing circuit. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this programme, TRX band circuit. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: an interview with a female cab driver from London, Paula Doolan. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: an interview with a Burgundy wine shop owner, Philippe Séré. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: find out what it takes to be a real estate agent with Saeid Nazemi. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: tips from a professional organizer, Konnie Labecki. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
It is a simple tale of pen-friendship between two very different people; Mary Dinkle, living in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia and New Yorker with Aspergers, Max Horowitz. Реж.: Адам Бенжамин Эллиот. В ролях: Тони Коллетт, Филип Сеймур Хоффман, Бэрри Хамфриз, Эрик Бана, Бетани Витмор, Рени Гейер, Йен «Молли» Мелдрам, Джон Флаус, Джули Форсайт, Кристофер Мэсси. Австралия, 2009, драма, комедия, фильмы
In this episode: visit King’s Cross and learn how to talk about the future. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: visit fascinating Granary Square and learn how to use the words «somebody» and «something» correctly. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: visit the famous Parliament Square and learn the difference between the modal verbs «must» and «have to». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Рисованный мультфильм о необычной дружбе. Она – маленькая мышка, он – огромный медведь. Она – ребенок, он – взрослый. Она мечтает быть художницей, хотя по правилам своего мира должна стать дантистом, он – музыкант и поэт, ведущий бездумную жизнь и никогда не имеющий куска хлеба на завтра. Они живут в разных мирах: для обитателей мышиного царства нет ничего более дикого, чем подружиться с «большим плохим медведем», да и его соседи вряд ли поймут, зачем водиться с мышкой. Но дружба и родство душ сродни настоящему волшебству. И какое этой парочке дело до условностей, разницы в размере, исторических предрассудков и культурных барьеров? Реж.: Стефани Обье, Венсан Патар, Бенжамин Реннер. В ролях: Полин Бруннер, Энн-Мари Луп, Ламбер Вильсон. Франция, 2012, анимация
Most people depend to some extent on others' opinions of themselves and want to conform to the positive expectations of others. This is how such a story ended for the main character, who had not seen his friends for a long time, познавательное
All About is a highly-informative educational program which provides interesting facts from every topic imaginable: science, politics, history, art, sports, society and more. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: interesting facts about most beautiful villages. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: interesting facts about weird Guinness Records. Part 2. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, we’re in Washington, D. C. Spring has come the American capital. And it’s time for the Kite festival. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, we are in Japan. And we are going on a picnic. It’s a special picnic. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное