جدول قناة "English Club TV" ليوم
ملاحظة: أعزائي الزوار، نحن لسنا مالكي قناة «English Club TV». نحن غير مسؤولين عن البرامج التي يتم بثها ومشاكل البث الخاصة بالقناة.
ملاحظة: أعزائي الزوار، نحن لسنا مالكي قناة «English Club TV». نحن غير مسؤولين عن البرامج التي يتم بثها ومشاكل البث الخاصة بالقناة.
In this episode, the characters talk about office routine and give you lots of new words for various office stationery, досуг, хобби
In this series, we will talk about gifts sent by post, as well as new words for conversation on a similar topic, досуг, хобби
Together with the main characters, you’ll enjoy both spicy and dietary meals, as well as find out that despite the fast pace of life, for some of us, there are unchanging things, познавательное
Let's talk about Christmas presents. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, you will learn several English homophones – «cent – scent», «Sunday – sundae», «compliment – complement». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) QUESTION versus ASK; 2) COACH versus TRAINER; 3) GROCERIES versus PRODUCE. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) BEGIN versus START; 2) HAIR versus HAIRS; 3) CENTER versus CENTRE. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) LET versus ALLOW; 2) LATER versus LATTER; 3) CHAT versus TALK TO. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Пытаясь выжить в городе, неразлучные друзья, белка Злюк и крысёнок Бадди, натыкаются на магазин, до краёв набитый их любимым лакомством – орехами. Чувствуя, что «мечты сбываются», приятели планируют величайшее ограбление в истории грызунов. Но тут совсем некстати нарисовались бедные родственники из парка – прямо 13 друзей Оушена! Однако им всем невдомёк, что магазин орехов – лишь прикрытие для банды грабителей, которые намерены вырыть туннель под банк и подменить мешки с деньгами на мешки с теми самыми орехами… Реж.: Питер Лепениотис. В ролях: Уилл Арнетт, Брендан Фрейзер, Лиам Нисон, Кэтрин Хайгл, Стивен Лэнг, Майя Рудольф, Джефф Данэм, Габриэль Иглесиас, Сара Гадон, Джеймс Ранкин. США, Канада, Южная Корея, 2014, комедия, анимация, приключения, для семьи
Италия, досуг, хобби
Today we will see Big Ben, a famous tourist landmark in London. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Today you will learn about a new way to travel in London, called The Emirates AirLine. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Learn what happened today in history around the world including major events, познавательное
In this episode: choosing between tablet, desktop and laptop. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) IF I WERE YOU versus IF I WAS YOU; 2) IN SPITE OF versus DESPITE; 3) ACCORDINGLY versus CORRESPONDINGLY. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) THREAT versus THREATEN; 2) the difference between: COUNCIL / COUNSEL/ CONSUL; 3) FALL versus AUTUMN. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) ENVELOPE versus ENVELOP; 2) JOB versus WORK; 3) ALTOGETHER versus ALL TOGETHER. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, curious facts from the history of pens. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Средневековая Ирландия. Двенадцатилетний мальчишка Брендан живет в Келлском старинном аббатстве, окруженном таинственным и манящим лесом. Его дядя и по совместительству настоятель Келлах запрещает мальчишке выходить за пределы монастыря, обеспокоенный набегами норманнов. Все свое время Келлах тратит на постройку высокой и надежной монастырской стены. Однажды из дальних земель в аббатство приезжает мастер Эйдан, лучший в мире иллюстратор книг. Его монастырь был захвачен и разрушен норманнами, но Эйдану удалось спасти свое главное сокровище – незаконченную Книгу, иллюстрации которой удивительно прекрасны. «Тайна Келлс» – первый мультфильм студии Cartoon Saloon, открывающий ирландскую трилогию Томма Мура… Реж.: Томм Мур, Нора Твоми. В ролях: Эван МакГуайр, Брендан Глисон, Мик Лэлли, Кристен Муни, Лиам Хурикан, Майкл МакГрат, Пол Янг, Нора Твоми, Мари Торхож. Бельгия, Ирландия, Франция, 2009, анимация, для семьи, фэнтези
In this series, we'll look at a number of grammatical difficulties that often confuse users, досуг, хобби
English is easy! Watch entertaining stories and learn the English grammar! The topic of today’s episode: the verb «to be» in the Future Simple Tense («will be»). Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: Wi-Fi access. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: ordering breakfast. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Пытаясь выжить в городе, неразлучные друзья, белка Злюк и крысёнок Бадди, натыкаются на магазин, до краёв набитый их любимым лакомством – орехами. Чувствуя, что «мечты сбываются», приятели планируют величайшее ограбление в истории грызунов. Но тут совсем некстати нарисовались бедные родственники из парка – прямо 13 друзей Оушена! Однако им всем невдомёк, что магазин орехов – лишь прикрытие для банды грабителей, которые намерены вырыть туннель под банк и подменить мешки с деньгами на мешки с теми самыми орехами… Реж.: Питер Лепениотис. В ролях: Уилл Арнетт, Брендан Фрейзер, Лиам Нисон, Кэтрин Хайгл, Стивен Лэнг, Майя Рудольф, Джефф Данэм, Габриэль Иглесиас, Сара Гадон, Джеймс Ранкин. США, Канада, Южная Корея, 2014, комедия, анимация, приключения, для семьи
Combine education with leisure, and learn English with the help of movies. You will get to learn some fun trivia about each specific movie, and test your language skills in a more informal manner, познавательное
Combine education with leisure, and learn English with the help of movies. You will get to learn some fun trivia about each specific movie, and test your language skills in a more informal manner, познавательное
Combine education with leisure, and learn English with the help of movies. You will get to learn some fun trivia about each specific movie, and test your language skills in a more informal manner, познавательное
Creative American teacher and blogger Luke Priddy introduces the intricacies of the American English and the cultural specifics of the United States. Вед.: Люк Придди, познавательное
Creative American teacher and blogger Luke Priddy introduces the intricacies of the American English and the cultural specifics of the United States. Вед.: Люк Придди, познавательное
In this programme: How to calm someone down in 3 different ways. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: explore the Eiffel Tower and learn some idioms with the words TOWER, TALL, BRIDGE, IRON and WATER. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Making crafts with your child is a piece of cake! We will make a rhinoceros. Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
You will learn how to make a beautiful and simple picture using some unusual techniques with your child. Take plasticine, some beans and some thread – and we’ll end up with a lion. Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Little inventors will be able to enrich their vocabulary and make a toy for their very own collection. In this episode, we’re going to make a notebook cover. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, you will learn what the four seasons are called in English. In today's episode, «Seasons». Великобритания, 2012, музыка, познавательное
FEAR HAS BIG EYES – a story about a family and a «scary monster». Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
Today’s program is «Fishing». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Today’s program is «Museum». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, Melanie, Tommy, and Grace decided to visit Sam with their pets. Let’s see what happens, досуг, хобби
This episode will enrich your vocabulary with new words and expressions to describe living in modern apartments, 2024, досуг, хобби
This episode is about surface tension. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode our little chefs will cook Popsicles. Реж.: Елена Русаченко. Великобритания, 2012, для детей, для семьи, познавательное
This episode is about a boat trip. Реж.: Ирина Коновалова. Великобритания, 2015, для детей, познавательное
This episode is about having fun at the river. Реж.: Ирина Коновалова. Великобритания, 2015, для детей, познавательное
In this episode – «SPACE ODDITY», 2023, познавательное
Go on an adventure with Alfred and Wilfred!, 2023, познавательное
In this episode: learn about renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, you’ll find a fascinating bike ride, a visit to the beach, and planning an evening out in town, познавательное
In this series, you will learn a range of useful phrases describing various public transport options for long journeys, 2024, досуг, хобби
The words and expressions you will learn in this series will help you express and describe objects and activities when going to the pool and swimming, 2024, досуг, хобби
In this episode, you will learn new words and expressions to describe free time and familiar leisure activities in the evening hours, 2024, досуг, хобби
English is easy! Watch entertaining stories and learn the English grammar! The topic of today’s episode: Present Simple Tense. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: clothes and patterns. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this program, you will be told why you need life coaching, explore green practices and visit the capital of Romania, познавательное
Италия, досуг, хобби
In this episode: interesting facts about mysterious places on Earth. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: interesting facts about weird scientific researches. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: interesting facts about misleading movie posters. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, we will see a fascinating video about a true royal fan – she loves British Monarchy very much. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, we are relaxing in London. You may wonder: how can you relax in the busy and crowded city? Well, there’s one place in the city where you can rest after tiring work. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, the characters will talk about the features of decorative cosmetics and help you memorise useful words, досуг, хобби
In this episode, the characters will have a leisurely conversation about the weather and give you a chance to learn new vocabulary on the topic, досуг, хобби
The characters in this episode will plan a musical party and help you learn some useful words on this topic, досуг, хобби
In this episode, you will try to beat the routine and diversify your daily life by going with a married couple to a new restaurant, познавательное
Let's talk about ordering food. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, you will learn several English homographs – «date, right, arms». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) DEFROST versus MELT; 2) THE DOOR IS OPEN versus THE DOOR IS OPENED; 3) ON versus ONTO. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) INTEND versus INTENT; 2) PUT DOWN versus PUT BACK; 3) BETWEEN YOU AND ME versus BETWEEN YOU AND I. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) CAN I versus MAY I in questions; 2) DESSERT versus DESERT; 3) SODA versus POP. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Explore the hidden places you won’t find in any tourist guide and improve your listening skills. In this episode: visit the Arc de Triomphe. Великобритания, познавательное
In this episode: visit the Hôtel de Ville. Великобритания, познавательное
In this episode: visit the Place du Trocadéro and the Eiffel Tower. Великобритания, познавательное
Join us in exciting excursions! Learn about the world's famous sights and improve your listening skills. Check your comprehension by doing the tests with us. In this episode: visit Hyde Park in London. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this program, visit Isle Royale National Park, located in the state of Michigan. США, познавательное
In this program, visit Kenai Fjords National Park, located in the state of Alaska. США, познавательное
Making crafts with your child is a piece of cake! We will make a rhinoceros. Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
You will learn how to make a beautiful and simple picture using some unusual techniques with your child. Take plasticine, some beans and some thread – and we’ll end up with a lion. Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Little inventors will be able to enrich their vocabulary and make a toy for their very own collection. In this episode, we’re going to make a notebook cover. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, you will learn what the four seasons are called in English. In today's episode, «Seasons». Великобритания, 2012, музыка, познавательное
FEAR HAS BIG EYES – a story about a family and a «scary monster». Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
Today’s program is «Fishing». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Today’s program is «Museum». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, Melanie, Tommy, and Grace decided to visit Sam with their pets. Let’s see what happens, досуг, хобби
This episode will enrich your vocabulary with new words and expressions to describe living in modern apartments, 2024, досуг, хобби
This episode is about surface tension. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode our little chefs will cook Popsicles. Реж.: Елена Русаченко. Великобритания, 2012, для детей, для семьи, познавательное
This episode is about a boat trip. Реж.: Ирина Коновалова. Великобритания, 2015, для детей, познавательное
This episode is about having fun at the river. Реж.: Ирина Коновалова. Великобритания, 2015, для детей, познавательное
In this episode – «SPACE ODDITY», 2023, познавательное
Go on an adventure with Alfred and Wilfred!, 2023, познавательное
In this episode: learn about renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Here, a plant director striving for compliance with all requirements and regulations will be saved thanks to an accidental breakdown, познавательное
In this episode, you get to go on a job interview with a large company that takes great pride in its corporate ethics. But will its peculiarities suit our main character? Let's find out, познавательное
Everyone knows that wanting to do something perfectly can be detrimental to a positive outcome. Let's meet a family who decided to do things the right way, познавательное
It is obvious to many that the human mind needs training just like the body to be sufficiently developed. But will the characters in this series understand this simple statement?, познавательное
In this episode: interesting facts about celebrities’ useless talents. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
All About is a highly-informative educational program which provides interesting facts from every topic imaginable: science, politics, history, art, sports, society and more. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
All About is a highly-informative educational program which provides interesting facts from every topic imaginable: science, politics, history, art, sports, society and more. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, we are going to cross the Thames but not over the bridge. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, we are going to see a very long run today. Let’s travel to Florida, the USA, and see it for ourselves. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Creative American teacher and blogger Luke Priddy introduces the intricacies of the American English and the cultural specifics of the United States. Вед.: Люк Придди, познавательное
In this programme: How to offer encouragement in 3 different ways. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: discover the Isle of the Swans and learn some idioms with the words WATER, ISLAND, LINE, FLOW, BOAT and TORCH. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Learn what happened today in history around the world including major events, познавательное
In this episode: meet Emmely Elgersma, a ceramic designer who decorates china dinnerware. Великобритания, 2012, биография, док. сериал
In this episode: discover the amazing power of human brain with Dr. Ben Carson. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: listen to the interview with a skateboarding legend, Tony Hawk. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) the difference between STUDY/LEARN; 2) the difference between COST-EFFECTIVE/COST-EFFICIENT; the meaning of abbreviation «BRB». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this programme, 3 exercises for your legs and bottom. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
This episode will help every viewer learn a number of irregular verbs in the past tense using clear context, досуг, хобби
The topic of today’s episode: the verb «to be» in the Past Simple Tense («was», «were»). Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: learn why dogs make good pets, and what the difference is between the verbs «have» and «have got». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: learn about the political system in Great Britain, and how to use the verbs «must» and «can» when talking about laws. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: learn about the education system in Great Britain, and review the time markers for the present simple tense. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
When Flint Lockwood's latest contraption accidentally destroys the town square and rockets up into the clouds, he thinks his inventing career is over. Then something amazing happens as delicious cheeseburgers start raining from the sky. His machine actually works! But when people greedily ask for more and more food, the machine starts to run amok, unleashing spaghetti tornadoes and giant meatballs that threaten the world! Now it's up to Flint, with the help of weather girl Sam Sparks and Steve, his talking monkey assistant, to find some way to shut down the machine before the world is covered in super-sized meatballs. Nominated for a Golden Globe. Реж.: Крис Миллер, Кристофер Миллер, Фил Лорд. В ролях: Билл Хейдер, Анна Фэрис, Джеймс Каан, Энди Сэмберг, Брюс Кэмпбелл, Мистер Ти, Бобби Дж.Томпсон, Бенджамин Брэтт, Нил Патрик Харрис, Эл Рокер. США, 2009, комедия, фантастика, фэнтези, мультфильм
Join us in exciting excursions! Learn about the world's famous sights and improve your listening skills. Check your comprehension by doing the tests with us. In this episode: visit Hyde Park in London. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this program, visit Isle Royale National Park, located in the state of Michigan. США, познавательное
In this program, visit Kenai Fjords National Park, located in the state of Alaska. США, познавательное
In this episode, you’ll find a fascinating bike ride, a visit to the beach, and planning an evening out in town, познавательное
In this series, you will learn a range of useful phrases describing various public transport options for long journeys, 2024, досуг, хобби
The words and expressions you will learn in this series will help you express and describe objects and activities when going to the pool and swimming, 2024, досуг, хобби
In this episode, you will learn new words and expressions to describe free time and familiar leisure activities in the evening hours, 2024, досуг, хобби
English is easy! Watch entertaining stories and learn the English grammar! The topic of today’s episode: Present Simple Tense. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: clothes and patterns. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, the characters will talk about the features of decorative cosmetics and help you memorise useful words, досуг, хобби
In this episode, the characters will have a leisurely conversation about the weather and give you a chance to learn new vocabulary on the topic, досуг, хобби
The characters in this episode will plan a musical party and help you learn some useful words on this topic, досуг, хобби
In this episode, you will try to beat the routine and diversify your daily life by going with a married couple to a new restaurant, познавательное
Let's talk about ordering food. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, you will learn several English homographs – «date, right, arms». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) DEFROST versus MELT; 2) THE DOOR IS OPEN versus THE DOOR IS OPENED; 3) ON versus ONTO. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) INTEND versus INTENT; 2) PUT DOWN versus PUT BACK; 3) BETWEEN YOU AND ME versus BETWEEN YOU AND I. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) CAN I versus MAY I in questions; 2) DESSERT versus DESERT; 3) SODA versus POP. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Граф Дракула владеет отелем «Трансильвания», в котором монстры всех мастей находят убежище от невыносимых людей. На каникулы к Дракуле приезжают Франкенштейн с супругой, Мумия, семейство оборотней и даже человек-невидимка. Однажды граф собирает всех своих знакомых монстров, чтобы отпраздновать 118-й день рождения любимой дочери Мэйвис. Но вместе с остальными гостями в «Трансильвании» оказывается заблудившийся человек по имени Джонатан. И вампирша Мэйвис влюбляется в бедолагу без памяти. «Монстры на каникулах» (2012) – анимационный семейный фильм о монстрах со всего мира, которые предстают с неожиданной стороны… Реж.: Генндий Тартаковский. В ролях: Адам Сэндлер, Селена Гомес, Стив Бушеми, Энди Сэмберг, Кевин Джеймс, Дэвид Спейд, Фрэн Дрешер, Джон Ловиц, Молли Шеннон, Луэнелль. США, 2012, комедия, анимация, для семьи
In this episode: interesting facts about weird scientific researches. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: interesting facts about misleading movie posters. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, we will see a fascinating video about a true royal fan – she loves British Monarchy very much. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, we are relaxing in London. You may wonder: how can you relax in the busy and crowded city? Well, there’s one place in the city where you can rest after tiring work. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Learn what happened today in history around the world including major events, познавательное
In this episode: meet Emmely Elgersma, a ceramic designer who decorates china dinnerware. Великобритания, 2012, биография, док. сериал
In this episode: discover the amazing power of human brain with Dr. Ben Carson. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: listen to the interview with a skateboarding legend, Tony Hawk. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: 1) the difference between STUDY/LEARN; 2) the difference between COST-EFFECTIVE/COST-EFFICIENT; the meaning of abbreviation «BRB». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this programme, 3 exercises for your legs and bottom. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
When Flint Lockwood's latest contraption accidentally destroys the town square and rockets up into the clouds, he thinks his inventing career is over. Then something amazing happens as delicious cheeseburgers start raining from the sky. His machine actually works! But when people greedily ask for more and more food, the machine starts to run amok, unleashing spaghetti tornadoes and giant meatballs that threaten the world! Now it's up to Flint, with the help of weather girl Sam Sparks and Steve, his talking monkey assistant, to find some way to shut down the machine before the world is covered in super-sized meatballs. Nominated for a Golden Globe. Реж.: Крис Миллер, Кристофер Миллер, Фил Лорд. В ролях: Билл Хейдер, Анна Фэрис, Джеймс Каан, Энди Сэмберг, Брюс Кэмпбелл, Мистер Ти, Бобби Дж.Томпсон, Бенджамин Брэтт, Нил Патрик Харрис, Эл Рокер. США, 2009, комедия, фантастика, фэнтези, мультфильм
In this episode: learn why dogs make good pets, and what the difference is between the verbs «have» and «have got». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: learn about the political system in Great Britain, and how to use the verbs «must» and «can» when talking about laws. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode: learn about the education system in Great Britain, and review the time markers for the present simple tense. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Граф Дракула владеет отелем «Трансильвания», в котором монстры всех мастей находят убежище от невыносимых людей. На каникулы к Дракуле приезжают Франкенштейн с супругой, Мумия, семейство оборотней и даже человек-невидимка. Однажды граф собирает всех своих знакомых монстров, чтобы отпраздновать 118-й день рождения любимой дочери Мэйвис. Но вместе с остальными гостями в «Трансильвании» оказывается заблудившийся человек по имени Джонатан. И вампирша Мэйвис влюбляется в бедолагу без памяти. «Монстры на каникулах» (2012) – анимационный семейный фильм о монстрах со всего мира, которые предстают с неожиданной стороны… Реж.: Генндий Тартаковский. В ролях: Адам Сэндлер, Селена Гомес, Стив Бушеми, Энди Сэмберг, Кевин Джеймс, Дэвид Спейд, Фрэн Дрешер, Джон Ловиц, Молли Шеннон, Луэнелль. США, 2012, комедия, анимация, для семьи
All About is a highly-informative educational program which provides interesting facts from every topic imaginable: science, politics, history, art, sports, society and more. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
All About is a highly-informative educational program which provides interesting facts from every topic imaginable: science, politics, history, art, sports, society and more. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, we are going to cross the Thames but not over the bridge. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
In this episode, we are going to see a very long run today. Let’s travel to Florida, the USA, and see it for ourselves. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное