ملاحظة: أعزائي الزوار، نحن لسنا مالكي قناة «English Club TV». نحن غير مسؤولين عن البرامج التي يتم بثها ومشاكل البث الخاصة بالقناة.
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جدول برامج القناة ✧English Club TV✧ ليوم 18 فبراير
22:05Coffee chat. Episode 16
In this episode, the characters talk about office routine and give you lots of new words for various office stationery, досуг, хобби
22:10Coffee chat. Episode 48
In this series, we will talk about gifts sent by post, as well as new words for conversation on a similar topic, досуг, хобби
22:15Easy talk. Episode 8
Together with the main characters, you’ll enjoy both spicy and dietary meals, as well as find out that despite the fast pace of life, for some of us, there are unchanging things, познавательное
22:20Let's Talk. Episode 8
Let's talk about Christmas presents. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
22:35English in Focus. Episode 19
In this episode, you will learn several English homophones – «cent – scent», «Sunday – sundae», «compliment – complement». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
22:45English-911. Question versus ASK; Coach versus Trainer; Groceries versus Produce
In this episode: 1) QUESTION versus ASK; 2) COACH versus TRAINER; 3) GROCERIES versus PRODUCE. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
22:50English-911. Begin versus Start; Hair versus Hairs; Center versus Centre
In this episode: 1) BEGIN versus START; 2) HAIR versus HAIRS; 3) CENTER versus CENTRE. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
22:55English-911. Let versus Allow; Later versus Latter; Chat versus Talk to
In this episode: 1) LET versus ALLOW; 2) LATER versus LATTER; 3) CHAT versus TALK TO. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
23:00La La Land
Это история любви старлетки, которая между прослушиваниями подает кофе состоявшимся кинозвездам, и фанатичного джазового музыканта, вынужденного подрабатывать в заштатных барах. Но пришедший к влюбленным успех начинает подтачивать их отношения. Реж.: Дэмьен Шазелл. В ролях: Райан Гослинг, Эмма Стоун, Эмии Конн, Терри Уолтерс, Томас Джефферсон Шелтон, Синда Адамс, Калли Эрнандес, Джессика Рот, Соноя Мидзуно, Розмари ДеУитт, Дж. К. Симмонс. США, 2016, драма, мелодрама, комедия, мюзикл
01:10Keep Fit. Episode 10
In this programme, 3 exercises for your conditioning. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
01:20Keep Fit. Episode 11
In this programme, 3 exercises for your core muscles. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
01:30What Did They Say. Episode 50
In this episode: abstract art tips from Sir Jonathan Miller. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
01:35What Did They Say. Episode 51
In this episode: the history of the universe with the famous astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
01:40What Did They Say. Episode 52
In this episode: Twiggy, the original fashion supermodel. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
01:45What Did They Say. Episode 53
In this episode: bringing Africa to fashion with Nelly Wandji, the founder of Moonlook. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Очаровательный медвежонок из джунглей Перу оказывается в Лондоне. На родине его дом разрушило землетрясение, поэтому он приехал в столицу Британии, о которой ему много рассказывал его дядя. Медвежонок чуть было не потерялся в огромном и шумном мегаполисе, но встретил доброе семейство Браунов, которые называют его Паддингтон, в честь станции метро, где они познакомились. Так начинаются приключения очень милого медвежонка Паддингтона в столице Великобритании. «Приключения Паддингтона» – семейное фэнтези по мотивам книг английского писателя Майкла Бонда. Главные роли в картине исполнили Сара Хокинс, Хью Бонневилль, Николь Кидман и Джим Бродбент. Реж.: Пол Кинг. В ролях: Тим Дауни, Мадлен Уорролл, Лотти Стир, Джеффри Палмер, Тереза Уотсон, Имелда Стонтон, Майкл Гэмбон, Бен Уишоу, Хью Бонневилль, Салли Хокинс, Мэтт Лукас. Великобритания, Франция, 2014, комедия, для семьи, фэнтези
03:40English is the Key. Episode 5
In this episode: taking the metro. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
03:50English is the Key. Episode 6
In this episode: small talk. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
04:00La La Land
Это история любви старлетки, которая между прослушиваниями подает кофе состоявшимся кинозвездам, и фанатичного джазового музыканта, вынужденного подрабатывать в заштатных барах. Но пришедший к влюбленным успех начинает подтачивать их отношения. Реж.: Дэмьен Шазелл. В ролях: Райан Гослинг, Эмма Стоун, Эмии Конн, Терри Уолтерс, Томас Джефферсон Шелтон, Синда Адамс, Калли Эрнандес, Джессика Рот, Соноя Мидзуно, Розмари ДеУитт, Дж. К. Симмонс. США, 2016, драма, мелодрама, комедия, мюзикл
06:103Ways2. How to ask for approval in 3 different ways
In this programme: How to ask for approval in 3 different ways. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
06:20English in Focus. Episode 45
In this episode: you will learn several useful set expressions with the noun «Glass». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
06:30English-911. Episode 123
In this episode: 1) HOUSE versus HOME; 2) COMPULSIVE versus COMPULSORY; 3) an idiom WHEN PIGS FLY. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
06:35English-911. Episode 124
In this episode: 1) REPORTER versus JOURNALIST; 2) FEE versus FARE; 3) an idiom BREAK A LEG. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
06:40English-911. Episode 125
In this episode: 1) DRESS UP versus DRESS DOWN; 2) FLAW versus FLOW; 3) an idiom HIT THE ROAD. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
07:00Art Land. Episode 17
Making crafts with your child is a piece of cake! We will make a beautiful picture out of plasticine and thread. We’ll make these two trees: a willow tree and a birch tree. Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
07:05Art Land. Episode 18
You will learn how to create beautiful and simple appliqué work with your children. Take coloured paper and some glue – in the end you will have a beautiful tree. Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
07:10Sunny Songs. Episode 9
Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
07:15Crafty Hands. Episode 9
Little inventors will be able to enrich their vocabulary and make a toy for their very own collection. In this episode, we’re going to make a bookmark. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
07:25Okey-Dokey. Episode 9
In this episode, you will learn different colours in English. In today's episode, «Colours». Великобритания, 2012, музыка, познавательное
07:35Once upon a time. Episode 9
THE ANIMAL LEADER – a story about a tricky monkey. Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
07:40Words To Grow. Episode 17
Today’s program is «Concert». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
07:45Words To Grow. Episode 18
Today’s program is «Bathroom». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
07:50English playtime. Episode 3
Melanie, Grace and Sam love to keep things clean, but Tommy is not a big fan of it. To understand this story the little viewers will have to learn many new words, досуг, хобби
08:00Life around. Episode 12
This episode will introduce you to the basic words and expressions to describe the active rhythm of urban life in any metropolis, 2024, досуг, хобби
08:05Magic Science. Episode 12
This episode is about light. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
08:20Yummy for Mummy. Episode 19
In this episode: our little chefs will cook Burritos. Реж.: Елена Русаченко. Великобритания, 2012, для детей, для семьи, познавательное
08:30Yummy for Mummy. Episode 20
In this episode: our little chefs will cook Mini Trifles. Реж.: Елена Русаченко. Великобритания, 2012, для детей, для семьи, познавательное
08:40Kids in Action. Episode 23
This episode: is about playing rounders. Реж.: Ирина Коновалова. Великобритания, 2015, для детей, познавательное
08:45Kids in Action. Episode 24
This episode: is about making bracelets. Реж.: Ирина Коновалова. Великобритания, 2015, для детей, познавательное
08:50Alfred & Wilfred. Episode 9
Go on an adventure with Alfred and Wilfred! 2023, познавательное
09:00Simple phrases. Episode 12
In this episode, you will learn about the peculiarities of traveling by plane, order food delivery and go on hiking in the mountains, познавательное
09:10Life around. Episode 17
In this episode, you'll learn a number of expressions needed to describe everything that happens during a business lunch on a workday, 2024, досуг, хобби
09:20Life around. Episode 18
In this episode, you'll learn some useful words and phrases to describe pet life in an urban setting, 2024, досуг, хобби
09:30Life around. Episode 55
This episode is dedicated to everyone's favourite holiday – birthday, and learning useful words and expressions on this topic, 2024, досуг, хобби
09:35Jack of all Trades. Episode 5
In this episode: useful vocabulary for communication with taxi drivers. Реж.: Джейм Паглия. В ролях: Колин Фергюсон, Салли Ричардсон-Уитфилд, Джо Мортон, Эрика Серра, Нил Грэйстон, Найолл Мэттер, Tembi Locke, Крис Готье, Уоллес Шоун, Крэйг Андерсон. Великобритания, 2012, док. сериал
09:45Basic Lexis. Episode 26
In this episode: drawing different shapes. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
09:50Basic Lexis. Episode 27
In this episode: meeting elephants. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
09:55Basic Lexis. Episode 28
In this episode: the picnic in Paris. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
10:00Easy talk. Episode 140
A series of animated films organized into several thematic blocks, for those who want to improve their spoken English and learn many useful expressions and vocabulary units, познавательное
10:05Easy talk. Episode 141
A series of animated films organized into several thematic blocks, for those who want to improve their spoken English and learn many useful expressions and vocabulary units, познавательное
10:15Digital World. Episode 19
Италия, досуг, хобби
10:25All About. Episode 55
In this episode: interesting facts about unexplained natural phenomena. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
10:30All About. Episode 56
In this episode: interesting facts about crazy coincidences. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
10:35All About. Episode 57
In this episode: interesting facts about famous actors first roles. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
10:40Here and There. Episode 37
Today we’re travelling to France, Paris, to see Dior Fashion Show. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
10:50Here and There. Episode 38
In this episode, we’re going to Germany to visit Hofgarten a beautiful park in the center of Munich. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
11:00Coffee chat. Episode 17
In this episode, the characters will talk about the features of decorative cosmetics and help you memorise useful words, досуг, хобби
11:05Coffee chat. Episode 18
In this episode, the characters will have a leisurely conversation about the weather and give you a chance to learn new vocabulary on the topic, досуг, хобби
11:10Coffee chat. Episode 49
The characters in this episode will plan a musical party and help you learn some useful words on this topic, досуг, хобби
11:15Easy talk. Episode 9
In this episode, you will try to beat the routine and diversify your daily life by going with a married couple to a new restaurant, познавательное
11:20Let's Talk. Episode 9
Let's talk about ordering food. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
11:35English in Focus. Episode 20
In this episode, you will learn several English homographs – «date, right, arms». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
11:45English-911. Defrost versus Melt; The door is open versus The door is opened; On versus
In this episode: 1) DEFROST versus MELT; 2) THE DOOR IS OPEN versus THE DOOR IS OPENED; 3) ON versus ONTO. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
11:50English-911. Intend versus Intent; Put Down versus Put back; Between you and me versus B
In this episode: 1) INTEND versus INTENT; 2) PUT DOWN versus PUT BACK; 3) BETWEEN YOU AND ME versus BETWEEN YOU AND I. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
11:55English-911. Can I versus May I in questions; Dessert versus Desert; Soda versus Pop
In this episode: 1) CAN I versus MAY I in questions; 2) DESSERT versus DESERT; 3) SODA versus POP. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
12:00The language of business. Episode 15
In this episode: running a mentoring business with Helene Panzarino. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
12:15The language of business. Episode 16
In this episode: running an MLM business with Nataylia Roni. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
12:30Business Words. Episode 15
In this episode: job seeking. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
12:35Business Words. Episode 16
In this episode: selling. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
12:403Ways2. How to express interest in 3 different ways
In this programme: How to express interest in 3 different ways. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
12:453Ways2. How to apologise in 3 different ways
In this programme: How to apologise in 3 different ways. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
12:50Best Of the Best. Episode 15
Best Of The Best is an intriguing program with wise and inspiring quotes on various topics to improve the level of the language. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
12:55Best Of the Best. Episode 16
Best Of The Best is an intriguing program with wise and inspiring quotes on various topics to improve the level of the language. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
13:00Art Land. Episode 17
Making crafts with your child is a piece of cake! We will make a beautiful picture out of plasticine and thread. We’ll make these two trees: a willow tree and a birch tree. Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
13:05Art Land. Episode 18
You will learn how to create beautiful and simple appliqué work with your children. Take coloured paper and some glue – in the end you will have a beautiful tree. Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби