Channel ≪Automoto la chaîne≫

Broadcast options for channel "Automoto la chaîne"

  • Type : TV
  • Languages :
    • Français (French)
    • Türkçe (Turkish)
  • For second Generation Terrestrial
  • Encryption :
    • mediaguard
    • nagravision
    • viaccess
  • Broadcast format : MPEG-4 (DVB-S2/8PSK)
  • Satellite : Hot Bird 13F / 13.0° E (HB-13F Wide 40-53 dBW)
  • Band : Ku
  • Frequency : 12,692 (GHz)
  • Polarization : H (Horizontal)
  • SR : 27500 (s/sec)
  • Symbol Rate
  • FEC : 3/4
  • Forward Error Correction
  • SID : 453
  • Service ID
  • Video PId : 103
  • Video Packet Identifier
  • Audio PId:
    • 203 Fre
    • 303 Tur
  • Audio Packet Identifier

Note: Dear visitors, we are not the owners of the «Automoto la chaîne» channel. We are not responsible for broadcast programs and channel broadcast problems.

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