On September 4, the long-awaited premiere of the comedy series "Daddies" from "Diesel Studio" will start on the ICTV channel. The 16-episode film about the difficult relationships between fathers and children will give viewers a lot of humor and positive emotions.

"Daddies" is the first Ukrainian series about fathers. The main roles are played by the stars of "Diesel Studio" Yegor Krutogolov, Yevhen Smorygin and Yevhen Gashchenko, as well as actor Andriy Fedinchik. Four friends live in the same yard of a high-rise building in the capital. In addition to purely masculine interests, they are united by an important topic - raising children. One of the heroes is just preparing to become a father, another is raising a 7-year-old son, and the third is raising a son and two daughters of different ages.

The series brought together not only "diesels", but also many Ukrainian TV stars and talented actors. The film family of Yegor Krutogolov was played by Liliya Rebrik and Demyan Shiyan. The role of Yevhen Gashchenko's wife went to Olga Arutyunyan. The family of Yevhen Smorygin consists of three children - they were played by Kira Podolskaya, Veronika Lukyanenko and the actor's real son, Oleksiy Smorygin.

The film also stars Dmytro Lalinkov, Oleg Ivanitsa, Nadezhda Kondratovskaya, Oleksandr Berezhko, Vyacheslav Hostikoev and other Ukrainian actors.

The series "Daddies" on the ICTV channel on Monday, September 24 at 21.30.