The UΛ:Krim TV channel, which is part of the Public Television structure since January 1, 2017, has started broadcasting on the 10.759 GHz frequency of the Amos 2 satellite. Earlier, the First Ukraine TV channel was on this frequency. Also, at the end of 2016, the official website of "UΛ:Krim" was launched, where the TV channel can be watched online (

The main target audience of "UΛ:Krim" is residents of Crimea, displaced persons and everyone who is interested in Crimea in Ukraine and abroad. The TV channel broadcasts programs of the Ukrainian public broadcaster and programs produced by the "UΛ:Krim" creative association.

After the annexation of the Crimean peninsula by Russia, the broadcasting of the State Broadcasting Company "Crimea" and the Sevastopol State Broadcasting Company was suspended. Only from January 1 of this year, it was possible to resume broadcasting of the Crimean regional TV channel on the satellite frequency. "The Crimean peninsula remained the only territory that was not covered by Ukrainian regional broadcasting. The law on the Public Crimea is present as the territory of Ukraine, and we had the only opportunity to provide broadcasting there - to launch the TV channel on the satellite, - says Mikhail Shmatov, Deputy General Director for Coordination of Branch Activities of the NTKU. - Therefore, at the end of last year, we re-licensed our satellite TV channel First Ukraine, which will now broadcast under the UΛ:Krim logo."

Mr. Shmatov notes that "UΛ:Krim" should not be perceived as a propaganda channel, agitation or counter-propaganda broadcasting of Russian TV channels, but as a kind of bridge between mainland Ukraine and Crimea: "2-2.5 million Ukrainians live in Crimea, who are not of their own free will in occupation. The local TV company GTRC "Crimea", which was part of the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting, was annexed along with the entire peninsula. But Crimeans should not be left without their own regional broadcaster. The launch of "UΛ:Krim" is both the implementation of the law and our responsibility as a public broadcaster. Crimea is not a disputed territory, Crimea is the territory of Ukraine, so the Ukrainian language of the Crimean TV channel should be. And that's it."

The editorial office of "UΛ:Krim" is based in Kyiv and does not plan to officially accredit in Crimea through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

The team of "UΛ:Krim" - a young TV channel in the structure of the public broadcaster - plans to gradually increase its own production. Plans include: launching news in three languages (Ukrainian, Russian and Crimean Tatar), new talk shows on various topics, historical, cultural, educational programs. A thematic film screening is also planned. In addition to news about Crimea, the TV channel will broadcast news about Ukraine and world events.