Inter Media Group has announced that its channels will no longer be broadcast on the Amos 3 satellite, effective January 8, 2016. The channels will now be available on the Astra 4A satellite. This article provides the new...
As of January 8, 2016, the package of channels from the Ukrainian media holding «Inter Media Group» will stop broadcasting on the old parameters of the Amos 3 satellite (4°W). Inter TV channel logo
List of channels of the media holding «Inter Media Group» broadcasting on the new parameters
For owners of satellite dishes tuned to receive channels from Amos 3 (4°W) and Astra 4A (4,8°E) satellites, it is necessary to configure satellite receivers to receive channels of the «Inter» group with new parameters:
To do this, you need to go to the receiver menu and in the satellite dish settings section activate the channel search according to the specified parameters. Usually, new scanned channels appear at the end of the general list of channels.
If you have any difficulties with setting up the tuner yourself, you should contact the nearest service for installing and configuring satellite television.