According to the research, every third viewer is still hoping for the decoding of the signal of leading Ukrainian TV channels on the satellite. About 2 million viewers remain on the free satellite. The official satellite TV provider Viasat has summarized the results of the first half of the year. In January 2020, the encoding of Ukrainian channels on the satellite took place. Six months later, at the request of the official satellite TV operator Viasat, IP «GFK Ukraine» and LLC «INFO-sapience» conducted a study of the Ukrainian satellite TV market to assess the current situation and prospects for development. According to the study, more than a third of viewers are still hoping that the channels will be decoded. Currently, about 2 million viewers who have not accepted or postponed the decision to switch to an official paid provider or change the type of signal reception to watch encoded channels, due to the statement about the possible decoding of channels that came at the state level. This provoked people not to switch to a paid type of reception and, as a result, in anticipation of the decoding of channels, there was an increase in demand for pirate services or banned Russian channels, which in the future remain open on satellites, and are available to our viewer for free. To date, more than 40 Ukrainian channels have been encoded in 2020, and this list will grow. There is no reason for the possible decoding of the satellite signal of Ukrainian channels. The most interesting programs and shows are available only on the main versions of the channels, in contrast to the international shortened versions of the channels that were launched on the free satellite. In order to watch your favorite channels and programs, viewers need to choose an official television operator. In the summer of 2020, Viasat prepared attractive offers for new subscribers for packages and equipment. In particular, you can connect the "Family" package at a favorable price for the first 3 months of connection. Subscribers also have access to the "Bring a Friend" promotion with bonuses for both current and new customers. "Now it has become very profitable to connect to Viasat. We hope that viewers will not postpone connecting to the official operator and will have time to enjoy interesting content from both encoded Ukrainian and world channels," notes Svetlana Mishchenko, head of the Viasat platform.