Bohdan Tymovchak, head of the «Rukh» media center, announced that the Lviv club has launched its own TV channel.

«The channel is currently operating in test mode. The second stage will be filling it with content. Right now, we are duplicating everything that is released on our YouTube channel. People who have television at home can watch our media content on TV. Until mid-2021, besides using our YouTube channel, there will be nothing new.

Although we see a trend from our partners that people are interested in this. Other operators have already called and inquired about how to get our channel. We are not going anywhere from YouTube. We just want to meet the needs of all viewers. Some are more accustomed to watching TV, now they will have access to our young club. We want to be accessible to a wide range of people. The idea of a club channel is to have more «Rukh» and to be available to viewers on different platforms. This way we want to reach a wider audience. We will gradually expand the content.

We are thinking about new sections for the new season. We plan to build a media center at our academy. There is already a designated space. There will be our television studios, we will record our programs, in short - make our own content and production. It's not tomorrow yet, but the day after tomorrow for sure. We are moving step by step», – said Tymovchak.