Transponder news for
Thor 6 0.9° W
Stingray CMusic stopped broadcasting on (11919 V)
Thor 5 0.8° W
Stingray iConcerts stopped broadcasting on (12265 V)
Hot Bird 13F 13° E
KSA Sports 4 (Riyadiya TV 4) appeared on the satellite (12558 V)
AzerSpace 1 46° E
Furaha TV returned on (3817 Н)
Wailig Women Worldwide TV stopped broadcasting on (3817 Н)
Clouds TV stopped broadcasting on (3817 Н)
Belintersat 1 (ChinaSat 15) 51.5° E
24h Sport 1 new SR (symbol rate) (11075 Н)
24h Sport 2 new SR (symbol rate) (11075 Н)
Intelsat 20 68.5° E
Fano TV South Africa appeared on the satellite (12722 V)
Gracehill TV stopped broadcasting on (12682 V)
Blessed TV stopped broadcasting on (12682 V)
GNF TV stopped broadcasting on (12682 V)
Christ Revealed TV stopped broadcasting on (12562 H)
Inspiration TV stopped broadcasting on (12562 H)
Zoe Extra stopped broadcasting on (12562 H)
IWO TV stopped broadcasting on (12562 H)
Caught-Up TV stopped broadcasting on (12562 H)
Mahdi appeared on the satellite (12562 H)
G-Sat 15 93.5° E
Live Times appeared on the satellite (Dish TV India, 11590 H)