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Channel "3 Ангела"Logo of the channel "3 Ангела"

«Tri Angela» is a Russian Christian television channel that positions itself as a tool for proclaiming God's word to the widest possible audience. The channel claims that its religious programs can benefit not only an individual or family, but also heal society as a whole.

The programs broadcast on the channel have a very diverse thematic range, covering the breadth of God's word. «3 Angela» features spiritual and educational, musical, social, children's educational, youth, historical programs, as well as programs about health and art.

«Tri Angela» television channel aims to reach different groups of people - young people, elderly, children, parents, those who seek to get rid of addictions, and those who want to lead a healthy lifestyle. The channel also addresses all those who are interested in the Word of God.

Broadcast options for channel "3 Ангела"

  • Broadcast (translation) language - Russian
  • Channel website "3 Ангела" -

Note: Dear visitors, we are not the owners of the «3 Ангела» channel. We are not responsible for broadcast programs and channel broadcast problems.

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