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Channel "Астро ТВ"Logo of the channel "Астро ТВ"

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«Astro-TV» is a 24-hour informational and educational television channel, one of the first thematic channels dedicated to the mysteries of the universe and the boundless possibilities of human consciousness.

«Astro-TV» is a guide to the world of the amazing and the unknown for the widest audience, united not by age and social characteristics, but by a system of socio-cultural values and interests.

On the air of the channel:

  • live communication with outstanding scientists, researchers and travelers, specialists and experts in the field of ufology, cryptozoology, astrology, numerology, astrophysics, esotericism, psychology and parapsychology, feng shui;
  • the opportunity to get answers to exciting questions «first-hand», including through the «hotline» phones of the live broadcast;
  • own informational and educational programs;
  • the best documentary and feature films of the world's film distribution;
  • daily astrological forecasts.

In the focus of the «Astro-TV» channel:

  • unexplored human abilities;
  • secrets of centuries and their connection to the present;
  • amazing people with extraordinary abilities;
  • unexplained paranormal phenomena;
  • science news;
  • astrology and astrological forecasts.

The target audience of the channel is women and men aged 25-80 who are interested in questions to which modern science cannot yet provide an answer, as well as those who strive for self-improvement and harmonious development of the spirit and body.

Broadcast options for channel "Астро ТВ"

  • Broadcast (translation) language - Russian
  • Channel website "Астро ТВ" -

Note: Dear visitors, we are not the owners of the «Астро ТВ» channel. We are not responsible for broadcast programs and channel broadcast problems.

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