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Channel "Кубань 24 ОРБИТА"Logo of the channel "Кубань 24 ОРБИТА"

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«Куbanь 24 ОРБИТА» is a Russian satellite channel focusing on news and events of Krasnodar Krai. It is available for viewing in Krasnodar Krai and other regions of Russia through satellite platforms «Tricolor TV» and «NTV-Plus».

The channel is known for its news programs, such as «Fakty 24», «Fakty. Pogoda», «Fakty. Sport», «Deloвые fakty», «Fakty. Mnenie», which cover a wide range of topics related to the life of Kuban. In addition, «Kubаnь 24 ОРБИТА» offers its viewers live broadcasts with experts, scientists, company leaders, as well as various talk shows that address current issues.

Among the channel's own productions are «Vse vklyucheno», «Sdelano na Kubani», «Selskie istorii», «Schastlivyy otdykh s Daryey Schastlivoy» and others. «Kubаnь 24 ОРБИТА» strives to convey to its viewers information about the life of Kuban, its culture, economy, and social problems.

Broadcast options for channel "Кубань 24 ОРБИТА"

  • Broadcast (translation) language - Russian
  • Channel website "Кубань 24 ОРБИТА" -

Note: Dear visitors, we are not the owners of the «Кубань 24 ОРБИТА» channel. We are not responsible for broadcast programs and channel broadcast problems.

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