In an era marked by the ease of content creation and manipulation, verifying the authenticity of media has become paramount. Broadcasters face the challenge of proving the origin and integrity of their content, and the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) addresses this challenge by providing technical standards for certifying media content's source.

G&L Systemhaus, a German streaming solutions provider, is launching a new solution that empowers European broadcasters to achieve C2PA compliance. This solution helps broadcasters meet the growing need for transparency and trust in digital content. "Digital technology and especially generative AI have democratised content creation in a way that has never been possible before. But it also makes it easy to edit and alter existing content, and even to create deepfakes indistinguishable from real content to the naked eye. Content publishers see a high risk in losing their audience’s trust if they cannot demonstrate and prove that they are the actual creators of digital asserts," said Alexander Leschinsky, CEO at G&L.

The C2PA workflow integrates seamlessly into existing production and publishing processes, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of digital content like videos, images, and documents. Each piece of content is embedded with C2PA metadata that tracks its origin and editing history. This metadata provides a verifiable record of the content's journey, allowing for clear authentication and verification. "We’re pleased to provide them with a reliable solution through the implementation of C2PA, leveraging our expertise in metadata and digital signatures. This empowers broadcasters and other media companies, including news agencies, to safeguard their content cryptographically, and offer their audiences clear guidance in uncertain times," added Leschinsky.

G&L provides media companies with the tools and support they need to navigate the complexities of C2PA compliance, ensuring that they can meet regulatory requirements and establish a robust system for content authentication. The content signing and validation process is facilitated by a production-grade SDK with commercial support. This solution allows broadcasters to cryptographically certify and verify the authenticity of their content throughout its lifecycle. This robust approach mitigates the risks of misinformation and manipulation, helping to restore public trust in media. G&L will showcase its solutions, including a C2PA demo, at booth 14.C05 during IBC 2024 in Amsterdam.