In 2025, CBS will relaunch its “Evening News” franchise with a new companion program: “CBS Evening News Plus.” This expansion comes as John Dickerson, Maurice DuBois, and Margaret Brennan take over from Norah O’Donnell on January 24, 2025.
Dickerson, who recently left “The Daily Report” on CBS News 24/7, will solo anchor “Plus.” The half-hour program will air at 7 p.m. local time, directly following the first 30 minutes of the main “CBS Evening News.” Initially, it will be available on CBS streaming platforms and select owned stations: KCBS (Los Angeles), KPIX (San Francisco), KOVR (Sacramento), and WFOR (Miami).
Many major markets, including New York and Chicago, where CBS owns stations, won’t initially air the program over-the-air. Central time zone markets also face scheduling challenges due to the limited time slot between the national newscast and primetime.
Currently, syndicated shows like “Inside Edition” (owned by CBS) or off-network sitcoms fill this 30-minute gap. However, the success of “Plus” could lead to these programs being replaced. The naming convention mirrors “CBS Mornings Plus,” a successful expansion of the morning show that already airs on several owned stations, including KCBS, WBBM, KPIX, WWJ, and WFOR.
Viewers outside of the initial broadcast areas can still access “CBS Evening News Plus” via the network's streaming services.