The UK communications regulator Ofcom has said that changes to content classification labels by Twitch have led to more accurate labelling on the platform. The changes, which were implemented in 2023, require content creators to apply content classification labels to their streams to tell viewers if the stream they are about to watch contains certain mature themes. Streams are now required to have a content classification label applied if they contain themes related to: Mature-Rated Games; Sexual Themes; Drugs, Intoxication, or Excessive Tobacco Use; Violent and Graphic Depictions; Significant Profanity or Vulgarity; or Gambling.

Streamers who fail to accurately label their streams are penalised. Ofcom collected and analysed data from more than 3 million streams between March and December 2023. Its evaluation found that content labelling accuracy increased substantially following the changes to the content classification labels. It also saw a decrease in mislabelling of streams as mature. The Ofcom analysis found that before the changes were implemented, less than half (48%) of mature gaming streams were accurately labelled, and just two thirds (65%) of gambling streams were accurately labelled as mature. Other areas had higher accuracy rates – sexual themes (85%), drugs, intoxication or excessive tobacco use (82%) and violent and graphic depictions (86%) – but no genre of stream was 100% accurate.

Ofcom found the new rules have not materially altered the type of content produced by creators, and the number of views of mature streams has not substantially changed.  Better protections for children. Video Sharing Platforms such as Twitch are tightening their rules to prevent under-18s from accessing pornography and other harmful material, under existing regulations. It comes ahead of a new Online Safety Act that will increase their responsibilities further.