«Raj News 24x7» is a Tamil-language news channel based in India. The channel is known for its comprehensive coverage of current events, politics, and regional news from across Tamil Nadu and beyond. It provides viewers with a 24/7 stream of news updates, analysis, and in-depth reporting, aiming to keep audiences informed about the latest developments in the state and the country.

«Raj News 24x7» is committed to delivering unbiased and factual information to its viewers. The channel features a team of experienced journalists and reporters who strive to present news stories in a balanced and objective manner. It also incorporates a variety of programming formats, including live debates, interviews, and documentaries, to provide a multi-faceted perspective on current issues.

As a prominent media outlet in the Tamil speaking community, «Raj News 24x7» plays a significant role in shaping public opinion and holding those in power accountable. The channel strives to foster dialogue and understanding among its viewers, encouraging them to engage with the issues that matter most to them.