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Channel "CBS Reality"Logo of the channel "CBS Reality"

Channel is disabled/encoded on current parameters

Unfortunately, there is not enough information available about the «CBS Reality» channel to provide a detailed description at this time. The channel may have been removed from the broadcast package or its content may no longer be available.

According to available data, «CBS Reality» previously offered programs related to real events, extreme situations, natural disasters, crime dramas, and dangerous journeys. The channel also focused on everyday heroes, such as police officers, rescuers, firefighters, and medical professionals, showcasing their daily work involving risk and self-sacrifice.

If you are looking for similar content, you may find interesting programs on other channels that specialize in documentaries, crime chronicles, or real-life stories.

Broadcast options for channel "CBS Reality"

  • Broadcast (translation) language - Russian
  • Channel website "CBS Reality" -

Note: Dear visitors, we are not the owners of the «CBS Reality» channel. We are not responsible for broadcast programs and channel broadcast problems.

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