«Триколор Инфо» is an informational channel owned by the Russian satellite provider «Триколор ТВ». The channel broadcasts news, analytics, and informational programs, focusing on topics related to television, digital broadcasting, satellite communications, and entertainment.
«Триколор Инфо» provides viewers with information about new channels appearing in the «Триколор ТВ» package, about software updates for receiving devices, about promotions and special offers, as well as other news related to the activities of the «Триколор ТВ» company.
The channel also broadcasts programs dedicated to technology, cinema, music, sports, and other topics that may be of interest to «Триколор ТВ» viewers.
«Триколор Инфо» is an important source of information for «Триколор ТВ» subscribers, as it provides them with current news and information about the services provided by the company.