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Channel "Всегда с тобой"Logo of the channel "Всегда с тобой"

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The «Всегда с тобой» TV channel is a Russian 24/7 educational channel about travel, science, history, and people. Most of the programs on the «Всегда с тобой» TV channel are produced in-house. The programs on air not only introduce viewers to the diversity of the world around them but also aim to help people in their daily lives. Legends of history, mysteries of fate, modern technologies, secret corners of the world, home and family, our smaller brothers, lifestyle — this is not a complete list of topics covered in the «Всегда с тобой» channel programs. In search of discoveries and answers to questions, our authors will always get to the heart of phenomena, problems, and the most remote corners of Russia. The channel features a large volume of the most interesting feature films and documentaries. Over a hundred people work daily to ensure that viewers see the most interesting, educational, and modern television.

The channel's program includes stories about unusual people, Feng Shui secrets, discussions about history and culture for children and adults, advice from psychologists and astrologers, and much more.

The fascinating «Урок в музее» program reveals the mysteries of the world around us to children and teenagers in a light and interesting way. Paintings by great masters and artifacts of vanished civilizations, skeletons of prehistoric animals and models of spacecraft, stories of the creation of world-famous musical works, and wonders of modern technology.

The «Вы – сможете!» program tells about people with disabilities who successfully overcome all obstacles on their life path.

The «Круг интересов» of the television audience will be closed around works of art. Acquaintance with the history and modern trends in music, painting, and literature will be the topics of this program. Viewers will be accompanied through the world of art by well-known art historians and culturologists.

The «Про усатых и полосатых» TV show is dedicated not only to our pets: their training and keeping at home. This thematic program is designed to introduce the vast diversity of the animal world of our planet. Together with the presenters, viewers will plunge into the depths of the world's oceans and climb to the tops of the highest mountains.

The new trend in television development in the third millennium was the emergence of interactive communication with the television audience. On our channel, live communication will be carried out in two projects: «Лабиринты жизни» and «Звезды и судьбы». These programs are created specifically to help viewers in difficult life situations.

About various methods of health improvement, instilling in children a love of sports from childhood, women's beauty secrets, and ultra-fashionable fitness systems. The «Выше, лучше, веселей» program will help viewers not only to embark on the path of a healthy and beautiful lifestyle but also to cope with the temptations that lie in wait on this difficult path.

Those who pay attention to «50 чудес Москвы» will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the cultural life of the modern capital of Russia without leaving their TV screen. Famous guests of our channel will be the city guides.

You can encounter the inexplicable, from the point of view of modern science, in the «Дети Нострадамуса» television project. The mysteries and secrets of the human soul will become the subject of discussion with bearers of sacred knowledge.

«В поисках легенды» — a program about wonderful places that have a strong influence on human life. The program will allow you to immerse yourself in the world of legends and traditions of «olden times», see places where Christian saints performed their feat of Faith. Look at modern spiritual fathers.

And this is far from a complete list of interesting projects of the «Всегда с тобой» TV channel.

Broadcast options for channel "Всегда с тобой"

  • Broadcast (translation) language - Russian
  • Channel website "Всегда с тобой" -

Note: Dear visitors, we are not the owners of the «Всегда с тобой» channel. We are not responsible for broadcast programs and channel broadcast problems.

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