The broadcast of «Eurovision-2017» on «UA: First» was watched by an average of 7 103 364 viewers in the 4+ age category for at least one second. This is reported on the website of «UA: First». «At least one show was watched by an average of 7 103 364 viewers in the 4+ age category for at least one second. In live broadcast, all three shows were watched by 3487716 people for at least one second. All three events were watched in full by an average of 1 081 474 viewers», - the broadcaster reports. The first semi-final of «Eurovision-2017», on May 9, was watched by an average of 877 398 people on the «UA: First» channel. In total, at least one second of this show was watched by 3 211 303 viewers. The second semi-final, on May 11, was watched by an average of 721 216 people on «UA: First», and a total of 3 015 768 viewers turned on the show for at least a short time. The final show of «Eurovision-2017» was watched by an average of 1 491 833 viewers. The total reach of the «UA: First» channel during the final was 4 059 740 people. «UA: First» broadcasted all the «Eurovision-2017» shows on its website without advertising and in HD quality. The broadcast on the website during the first semi-final gathered 51 392 unique viewers, and during the second - 51 052, the final was watched by 121 547 users. In HD quality on the «UA: First» website, the first semi-final was watched by 8 499 unique viewers, the second - 8 221, the audience of the final show was 13 242 unique viewers, the channel calculated. Recall that the right to broadcast is held by television companies that are members of the European Broadcasting Union. In Ukraine, it is «UA: First». Also, «Eurovision» was broadcast for the second time in the United States of America.