Lale Channel (translated from Crimean Tatar as "little tulip") has appeared on the Astra 4A (Sirius) 4.8°E satellite. The channel was created based on the children's editorial office of the ATR channel.
"The need to create a children's channel is due to the fact that ATR had about 2 hours of children's airtime, but we realized that this was not enough for us. And children should not be limited by certain frameworks, they need a channel so that they can review what interests them at any time. We have already ordered a brand book, developed a logo and attracted a team", - said Elzara Islyamova, general director of the Simferopol company «Атлант-СВ».
According to her, the channel is aimed at children from 4 to 16 years old. Children will also host the programs, some of them are participants in ATR programs.
Lale TV Channel
Lale TV Channel

As Elzara Islyamova noted, both sponsors and business elite are interested in creating Lale: "For them, this project is valuable primarily not because of profit, but from the point of view of social responsibility and patriotism. We must think about the future and raise tolerant children in Crimea."

Lale TV Channel Settings and Description