Netflix has implemented subscription price increases in various regions, aiming to recoup investments in live sports programming. The company concluded 2024 with over 300 million subscribers—a 41 million increase from 2023 and exceeding its previous record set in 2020. This growth follows Netflix's expansion into sports broadcasting, featuring WWE wrestling, NFL football, and boxing matches involving notable figures like YouTuber Jake Paul and Mike Tyson.

PP Foresight's Paolo Pescatore commented: “Netflix reaffirms its leadership position and is absolutely running away in the streaming market. It is now flexing its muscles by adjusting prices given its far stronger and diversified programming slate compared to rivals. “These latest results reaffirm the company’s strategy and validates move into live sports that will drive subscribers and drive engagement. More importantly it will help monetise its base through advertising and sponsorships.”

The price adjustments affect the United States, Canada, Portugal, and Argentina. While there's no official confirmation for the UK, previous trends suggest a similar increase is likely. In the US, a standard plan with ads will cost $7.99 (£6.49), a standard ad-free plan will be $17.99 (£14.60), and the premium plan is now $22.99 (£18.66).