Sky’s streaming platform NOW has launched a significant update to its user interface (UI). Carli Kerr, Managing Director of NOW & Sky Content, revealed these changes at the OTT Question Time Live event in London. Starting in February, NOW will transition to NBCUniversal’s technology platform, aiming for a superior streaming experience for its subscribers. The UK will see the new look first, beginning February 18th, with Italy and Germany following later.
“Migrating to NBCU’s Global Streaming Platform means NOW members will benefit from the ongoing delivery of customer features that enhance the viewing experience and leverage the latest technologies and innovations across the platform,” stated Kerr. The update includes a fresh look and feel, leveraging NBCUniversal’s platform for a more personalized experience. New features include improved search, "Top 10s" recommendations, and curated collections for Sky Sports+ subscribers.
Families will appreciate the addition of Kids profiles. NBCUniversal’s platform already supports Peacock in the US, SkyShowtime in Europe, and Multichoice in Africa, serving over 70 countries, showcasing its robust infrastructure. The NOW brand remains unchanged, but the enhanced UI and features promise a significant improvement for users.