Pale Blue, a Japanese startup, has announced a collaboration with D-Orbit, an Italian transportation company, to demonstrate its groundbreaking water-fueled thruster technology. Two demonstrations are planned for 2025, a significant step in validating the system's capabilities.
The Pale Blue 1U+ Water Ion Thruster, slightly larger than a 10-centimeter cube, is designed to enhance small satellite maneuverability, enabling collision avoidance with space debris and controlled de-orbiting at mission's end. This technology promises to revolutionize satellite operations and significantly contribute to space sustainability.
“By partnering with D-Orbit, we are taking a significant step forward in validating the performance and reliability of our propulsion technology,” Jun Asakawa, Pale Blue co-founder and CEO, stated. “This collaboration will enable us to meet the growing demand, while contributing to space sustainability.”
Pale Blue successfully demonstrated its Resistojet thruster in orbit during 2023. Following this success, the company secured $16 million in Series B funding and a Japanese Small Business Innovation Research contract worth up to $27 million to further develop water-based ion and Hall-effect thrusters.
“We are confident that our water-based propulsion system will redefine the future of satellite missions and open up new possibilities for space exploration,” Asakawa added.
The inherent safety, availability, and ease of handling associated with water propellants make this technology particularly attractive, provided it performs as expected in the space environment. The demonstrations are scheduled for June and October 2025, utilizing D-Orbit's ION Satellite Carrier, which has a proven track record of successful deployments.
“Water-based propulsion technology perfectly aligns with D-Orbit’s commitment to sustainable space operations,” Renato Panesi, D-Orbit co-founder and chief commercial officer, commented. “Drawing on our extensive experience in successful in-orbit demonstrations and the proven versatility of ION Satellite Carrier, we are happy to support Pale Blue in advancing their innovative propulsion solution.”
This partnership marks D-Orbit's first collaboration with a Japanese client, highlighting the expansion of its presence in the Asia-Pacific region. Ash Takao, D-Orbit sales development Manager and a member of Marubeni Corp., noted that this contract “highlights our commitment to strengthening ties within Japan’s advanced space sector and expanding D-Orbit’s reach in the Asia-Pacific region.” Marubeni Corp.'s previous investment in D-Orbit granted them exclusive distribution rights for D-Orbit's services in Japan and Southeast Asia.