Today, August 10, the city TV channel Kyiv.Live began broadcasting. You can find it in analog and digital T2 broadcasting in Kyiv and the region on the frequencies of the channel «First Kyiv» (TRC «Kupol»), and on satellite - on the frequency of the Rabinovich TV channel (LLC «News Network»).

It should be noted that the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting has not yet reissued licenses for both broadcasters.

The general producer of the new channel Kyiv.Live is Alexey Semenov, who launched and relaunched the TV channels «112 Ukraine», NewsOne, Pryamy, and in June 2019 headed the «News» holding of the MP from the «Opposition Platform - For Life» Taras Kozak ( «112 Ukraine» , NewsOne and ZIK).

The investor of Kyiv.Live is the capital developer and MP from the «Opposition Platform - For Life» Vadim Stolar. Alexey Semenov and Vadim Stolar are planning to launch a number of other city channels in major cities.