Verimatrix has introduced its new DVB ReAccess solutions, a powerful over-the-air (OTA) Conditional Access System (CAS). This innovative solution provides enhanced security, particularly relevant after the successful completion of Cartesian’s Farncombe Security Audit.

DVB ReAccess directly addresses the significant challenge faced by one-way networks, such as broadcast satellite providers, which lack the bidirectional communication needed for client device authentication. In such networks, content security hinges heavily on the robustness of the CAS. The most secure CAS solutions often deeply integrate client software within the device's hardware, leveraging chipset security features. Replacing a CAS on a deployed device while maintaining the same security level is typically very difficult using a simple OTA software update.

Verimatrix DVB ReAccess is a proven OTA CAS retrofit solution. It can be downloaded wirelessly to replace existing CAS solutions without requiring device swaps or physical intervention. To overcome the inherent vulnerabilities of OTA updates, DVB ReAccess incorporates advanced white box cryptography and code protection techniques – areas where Verimatrix possesses extensive expertise.

Verimatrix collaborated with Cartesian to perform a Farncombe Security Audit on DVB ReAccess. The audit confirmed that DVB ReAccess offers comparable security to top-tier software CAS solutions. “The security innovations within DVB ReAccess and the completion of Cartesian’s Farncombe Security Audit offers broadcast satellite providers and others an unmatched level of confidence that their content remains protected,” said Dr. Klaus Schenk, SVP of Security and Threat Research at Verimatrix.