Transponder news for
Hispasat 30W-5 30° W
V+ TVI appeared on the satellite (10770 H)
Astra 4A 4.8° E
Sonce+ appeared on the satellite (KRRT - PLP: 0 - T2-MI - PID 4096,12073 H)
MTN Info parameters have changed FEC (12226 H)
Eutelsat 7B 7° E
DXB One stopped broadcasting on (11304 Н)
Astra 3C 23.5° E
Sonce+ appeared on the satellite (KRRT - PLP: 0 - T2-MI - PID 4096,12285 V)
Astra 2G 28.2° E
Hobby Maker appeared on the satellite (11112 H)
Create & Craft appeared on the satellite (11112 H)
TürkmenÄlem/MonacoSat 52° E
Afghanistan International appeared on the satellite (10762 H)
Dasturxon appeared on the satellite (Alem TV, 10887 H)
Ruxsor TV appeared on the satellite (Alem TV, 10887 H)
Milliy TV appeared on the satellite (Alem TV, 10887 H)
Sevimli TV appeared on the satellite (Alem TV, 10887 H)
Toshkent stopped broadcasting on (Alem TV, 10887 H)
Bolajon stopped broadcasting on (Alem TV, 10887 H)
Yoshlar stopped broadcasting on (Alem TV, 10887 H)
Navo stopped broadcasting on (Alem TV, 10887 H)
Mahalla stopped broadcasting on (Alem TV, 10887 H)
Kinoteatr stopped broadcasting on (Alem TV, 10887 H)
Dunyo Bo'ylab stopped broadcasting on (Alem TV, 10887 H)
O'zbekiston Telekanali stopped broadcasting on (Alem TV, 10887 H)
Sport Uzbekistan (O'zbekiston) stopped broadcasting on (Alem TV, 10887 H)
Madaniyat va marifat stopped broadcasting on (Alem TV, 10887 H)