Schedule of the channel ✧English Club TV✧ on March 15
22:05Coffee chat. Episode 26
In this issue, the characters will discuss the office environment and help you memorise a number of useful words on the subject, досуг, хобби
22:10Coffee chat. Episode 53
The characters in this episode will talk about cosiness in the bedroom and everything used to make the bed, so you can remember a number of interesting new words, досуг, хобби
22:15Easy talk. Episode 13
Together with the library visitors you will understand the literary genres and learn that everyone can choose literature according to their taste, even when they don't have one, познавательное
22:20Let's Talk. Episode 13
Let's talk about dogs. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
22:35English in Focus. Episode 29
In this episode, you will learn several useful collocations with the verb «to make». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
22:45English-911. Episode 96
In this episode: 1) TO HURT versus TO HARM; 2) ALL versus EVERY; 3) an abbreviation ROFL. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
22:50English-911. Episode 101
In this episode: 1) LOOK OUT versus WATCH OUT; 2) SOMEONE versus SOMEBODY; 3) an abbreviation AFK. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
22:55English-911. Episode 104
In this episode: 1) TO GIVE versus TO PRESENT; 2) IMMORAL versus AMORAL; 3) DOT versus POINT. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
23:00Monsters, Inc
A little girl accidentally enters the land of monsters, where she befriends two creatures who work at a «scare factory». Billy Crystal and John Goodman lend their voices to this computer-animated comedy from the creators of «Toy Story». Реж.: Пит Доктер, Дэвид Силверман, Ли Анкрич. В ролях: Джон Гудман, Билли Кристал, Мэри Гиббс, Стив Бушеми, Джеймс Коберн, Дженнифер Тилли, Боб Питерсон, Джон Ратценбергер, Фрэнк Оз, Дэниел Герсон. США, 2001, комедия, для семьи, фэнтези, мультфильм
00:30All About. Episode 38
All About is a highly-informative educational program which provides interesting facts from every topic imaginable: science, politics, history, art, sports, society and more. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
00:35All About. Episode 39
In this episode: interesting facts about most unusual holidays. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
00:40Here and There. Episode 25
In this episode, we are going to an unusual exhibition where you can see various art installations. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
00:50Here and There. Episode 26
In this episode, we are going to see a very strange event, The World Custard Pie Championship. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
01:00This Day in History
Learn what happened today in history around the world including major events, познавательное
01:10Labour of love. Episode 11
In this episode: meet Anna Reich, a personal fitness trainer from the City of London. Великобритания, 2012, биография, док. сериал
01:25What Did They Say. Episode 37
In this episode: discover the power of sports with the personal fitness trainer, Anna Reich. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
01:30What Did They Say. Episode 38
In this episode: listen to the interview with the professional choreographer, Inez Roberta. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
01:35What Did They Say. Episode 39
In this episode: listen to the interview with the CEO of the Lego Group, Jørgen Vig Knudstorp. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
01:40Keep Fit. Episode 6
In this programme, 3 exercises for your arms. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
02:00The Imitation Game
1941 год. Английскому математику Алану Тьюрингу поручено расшифровать секретный код Третьего рейха – Enigma. Тьюринг действует по поручению Британской разведки в центре, специализирующемся на взломе шифров и кодов. Для выполнения сверхсекретного задания здесь собрана целая команда талантливых ученых, которым предстоит создать первый в мире компьютер. Реж.: Мортен Тильдум. В ролях: Бенедикт Камбербэтч, Кира Найтли, Мэттью Гуд, Рори Киннер, Аллен Лич, Мэттью Бирд, Чарльз Дэнс, Марк Стронг, Джеймс Норткот, Том Гудман-Хилл, Алекс Лоутер. США, Великобритания, 2014, драма, триллер, биография, война
03:50English in Focus. Episode 8
In this episode, we will talk about irregular verbs and how they change when we talk about the past. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
04:00Monsters, Inc
A little girl accidentally enters the land of monsters, where she befriends two creatures who work at a «scare factory». Billy Crystal and John Goodman lend their voices to this computer-animated comedy from the creators of «Toy Story». Реж.: Пит Доктер, Дэвид Силверман, Ли Анкрич. В ролях: Джон Гудман, Билли Кристал, Мэри Гиббс, Стив Бушеми, Джеймс Коберн, Дженнифер Тилли, Боб Питерсон, Джон Ратценбергер, Фрэнк Оз, Дэниел Герсон. США, 2001, комедия, для семьи, фэнтези, мультфильм
05:30All About. Episode 41
All About is a highly-informative educational program which provides interesting facts from every topic imaginable: science, politics, history, art, sports, society and more. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
05:35All About. Episode 42
All About is a highly-informative educational program which provides interesting facts from every topic imaginable: science, politics, history, art, sports, society and more. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
05:40Here and There. Episode 27
Native Bolivians mark New Year on June 22nd – the day of the winter solstice in South America and in the whole southern part of our planet. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
05:50Here and There. Episode 28
Today our programme is about the battle of Waterloo. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
06:00English United. Episode 2
Creative American teacher and blogger Luke Priddy introduces the intricacies of the American English and the cultural specifics of the United States. Вед.: Люк Придди, познавательное
06:10English United. Episode 3
In this program – the idiom is «to bite the bullet». Вед.: Люк Придди, познавательное
06:203Ways2. How to congratulate people in 3 different ways
In this programme: how to congratulate people in 3 different ways. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
06:30English in Focus. Episode 40
In this episode, you will learn several useful set expressions with the noun «Tree». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
06:40English-911. Episode 100
In this episode: 1) HOLE versus WHOLE; 2) ADD versus AD; 3) an idiom ABOVE BOARD. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
06:45English-911. Episode 115
In this episode: 1) TO REMAIN versus TO STAY; 2) TO HOLD ON versus TO KEEP ON; 3) an idiom TO TELL A WHITE LIE. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
06:50English-911. Episode 116
In this episode: 1) TO ROAST versus TO TOAST; 2) SEE SOMEBODY GO versus SEE SOMEBODY GOING; 3) an idiom TO HAVE A BEE IN YOUR BONNET. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
07:00Art Land. Episode 67
Making crafts with your child is a piece of cake! Take some paint and draw peonies. Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
07:05Art Land. Episode 68
Making crafts with your child is a piece of cake! Today we will draw an iris. Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
07:10Crafty Hands. Episode 34
In this episode, we’re going to make a jewellery box. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
07:20Okey-Dokey. Episode 11
In this episode, the little aliens are celebrating Christmas. In today's episode, «Christmas». Великобритания, 2012, музыка, познавательное
07:30Once upon a time. Episode 15
THE QUEEN OF THE WORLD – a story about an arrogant frog. Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
07:40Word Party. Episode 37
»Word Party” – a video dictionary for your kids. Today’s program is »At the butchery”. Your kid will love it! Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
07:45Word Party. Episode 38
Today’s program is «Snacks». Your kid will love it! Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
07:50English playtime. Episode 1
In this episode, Melanie and Tommy exercise, and Grace and Sam swim in the pool. Will they have the energy for anything else? досуг, хобби
08:00Life around. Episode 10
This series will help you learn and remember useful phrases to describe everything that happens inside a vehicle while travelling, 2024, досуг, хобби
08:05Magic Science. Episode 10
This episode is about static electricity. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
08:20Yummy for Mummy. Episode 16
In this episode: our little chefs will cook Tuna Salad. Реж.: Елена Русаченко. Великобритания, 2012, для детей, для семьи, познавательное
08:30⋗ Kids in Action. Episode 19
This episode: is about playing pool. Реж.: Ирина Коновалова. Великобритания, 2015, для детей, познавательное
08:35⋗ Kids in Action. Episode 20
This episode: is about making Easter cakes. Реж.: Ирина Коновалова. Великобритания, 2015, для детей, познавательное
08:40Alfred & Wilfred. Episode 7
Go on an adventure with Alfred and Wilfred! 2023, познавательное
08:45Life around. Episode 48
This episode will help you remember and correctly apply vocabulary units to describe getting ready for bed and a night's rest, 2024, досуг, хобби
08:50Life around. Episode 49
This episode will give you the opportunity to practise vocabulary words to describe the learning processes and school life of any child, 2024, досуг, хобби
09:00Simple phrases. Episode 5
In this episode, you will communicate with farm animals, let the car make its way on a wet road and look up at the night sky, познавательное
09:10Life around. Episode 5
In this episode, you will learn a necessary set of phrases describing travelling on board an aircraft as a passenger, 2024, досуг, хобби
09:20Life around. Episode 6
In this issue, you will learn terms and phrases used to describe the capabilities of special transport in the city, 2024, досуг, хобби
09:30Life around. Episode 48
This episode will help you remember and correctly apply vocabulary units to describe getting ready for bed and a night's rest, 2024, досуг, хобби
09:35Jack of all Trades. Episode 2
In this episode: useful vocabulary for communication with hairdressers. Реж.: Джейм Паглия. В ролях: Колин Фергюсон, Салли Ричардсон-Уитфилд, Джо Мортон, Эрика Серра, Нил Грэйстон, Найолл Мэттер, Tembi Locke, Крис Готье, Уоллес Шоун, Крэйг Андерсон. Великобритания, 2012, док. сериал
09:45Basic Lexis. Episode 14
Basic Lexis is the programme for those who start learning the language. Learn the most essential vocabulary. In this episode: drawing a picture with pencils. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
09:50Basic Lexis. Episode 15
In this episode: playing the guitar. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
10:00Film Set. Episode 3
Combine education with leisure, and learn English with the help of movies. You will get to learn some fun trivia about each specific movie, and test your language skills in a more informal manner, познавательное
10:15Digital World. Episode 14
Италия, досуг, хобби
10:25Here and There. Episode 81
Today we will visit the official home of Sherlock Holmes situated in Baker Street. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
10:35Here and There. Episode 82
Today we will visit London's principal flower market, called Columbia Road Flower Market. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
10:45Study Choice. International House Newcastle
For those who want to master their English abroad and now are in the process of finding a language school. In this episode: we’re setting out to the north of England, Newcastle-upon-Tyne – an excellent choice for education and leisure for students from all over the world. You will learn about the sights and cultural heritage of the local area and International House, Newcastle language school. Rolling program is one of the distinctive features of this school, познавательное
11:00Coffee chat. Episode 27
The characters in this episode will discuss daily routine, cleaning the house, and help you learn some useful new vocabulary, досуг, хобби
11:05Coffee chat. Episode 28
In this issue, we'll talk about fishing and everything related to it, while learning a number of useful words on the subject, досуг, хобби
11:10Coffee chat. Episode 54
In this issue, we'll talk about the equipment that is used for videotaping so that you can memorise a whole range of useful new English words, досуг, хобби
11:15Easy talk. Episode 14
In this episode, you'll see how you can use existing knowledge to make the knowledge itself popular with people, познавательное
11:20Let's Talk. Episode 14
Let's talk about choosing a profession. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
11:35English in Focus. Episode 30
In this episode, you will learn several useful collocations with the verb «to come». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
11:45English-911. Episode 105
In this episode: 1) CLOSET versus WARDROBE; 2) TO DRIVE versus TO RIDE; 3) TABLE versus DESK. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
11:50English-911. Episode 106
In this episode: 1) EXPLAIN versus DESCRIBE; 2) BUY versus PICK UP; 3) CHAIR versus STOOL. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
11:55English-911. Episode 109
In this episode: 1) TO UNDERSTAND versus TO REALISE; 2) BELOW versus UNDER; 3) JUMPER versus SWEATER. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
12:00Perfect English. Episode 17
In this episode: learn the pronunciation of the sound [ə]. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
12:05Perfect English. Episode 18
In this episode, you will learn the pronunciation of the sound [θ]. This sound is known as the «theta» or voiceless dental fricative. It is represented in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) by the symbol [θ]. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
12:10English in Focus. Episode 3
In this episode, you will learn when the letters E, K and W are silent in English. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
12:20Let's read right. Episode 9
Let’s Read Right project is here to learn the quotes of famous people, study the rules of English pronunciation and sound right, познавательное
12:25Basic Lexis. Episode 64
In this episode: visiting the London Underground. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
12:35Basic Lexis. Episode 65
In this episode: learning colours. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
12:45Basic Lexis. Visiting a fashion show
In this episode: visiting a fashion show. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
12:55Step by Step. Lost in Paris
In this programme, «Lost in Paris». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
13:00Art Land. Episode 67
Making crafts with your child is a piece of cake! Take some paint and draw peonies. Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
13:05Art Land. Episode 68
Making crafts with your child is a piece of cake! Today we will draw an iris. Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
13:10Crafty Hands. Episode 34
In this episode, we’re going to make a jewellery box. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
13:20Okey-Dokey. Episode 11
In this episode, the little aliens are celebrating Christmas. In today's episode, «Christmas». Великобритания, 2012, музыка, познавательное
13:30Once upon a time. Episode 15
THE QUEEN OF THE WORLD – a story about an arrogant frog. Великобритания, 2012, досуг, хобби
13:40Word Party. Episode 37
»Word Party” – a video dictionary for your kids. Today’s program is »At the butchery”. Your kid will love it! Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
13:45Word Party. Episode 38
Today’s program is «Snacks». Your kid will love it! Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
13:50English playtime. Episode 1
In this episode, Melanie and Tommy exercise, and Grace and Sam swim in the pool. Will they have the energy for anything else? досуг, хобби
14:00Life around. Episode 10
This series will help you learn and remember useful phrases to describe everything that happens inside a vehicle while travelling, 2024, досуг, хобби
14:05Magic Science. Episode 10
This episode is about static electricity. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
14:20Yummy for Mummy. Episode 16
In this episode: our little chefs will cook Tuna Salad. Реж.: Елена Русаченко. Великобритания, 2012, для детей, для семьи, познавательное
14:30⋗ Kids in Action. Episode 19
This episode: is about playing pool. Реж.: Ирина Коновалова. Великобритания, 2015, для детей, познавательное
14:35⋗ Kids in Action. Episode 20
This episode: is about making Easter cakes. Реж.: Ирина Коновалова. Великобритания, 2015, для детей, познавательное
14:40Alfred & Wilfred. Episode 7
Go on an adventure with Alfred and Wilfred! 2023, познавательное
14:45Life around. Episode 48
This episode will help you remember and correctly apply vocabulary units to describe getting ready for bed and a night's rest, 2024, досуг, хобби
14:50Life around. Episode 49
This episode will give you the opportunity to practise vocabulary words to describe the learning processes and school life of any child, 2024, досуг, хобби
15:00Film Set. Episode 31
Combine education with leisure, and learn English with the help of movies. You will get to learn some fun trivia about each specific movie, and test your language skills in a more informal manner, познавательное
15:15Film Set. Episode 32
Combine education with leisure, and learn English with the help of movies. You will get to learn some fun trivia about each specific movie, and test your language skills in a more informal manner, познавательное
15:30Film Set. Episode 33
Combine education with leisure, and learn English with the help of movies. You will get to learn some fun trivia about each specific movie, and test your language skills in a more informal manner, познавательное
15:45Easy talk. Episode 29
In this episode, together with the employees of the company, you will try to lift the veil of secrecy surrounding the production process, познавательное
15:50Easy talk. Episode 79
In this episode, you'll learn how it can be ugly and even harmful to make fun of a person for being different from everyone else. After all, pranksters can be met with a decent response, can't they? познавательное
16:00English United. Episode 4
In this program, Chris, will show you some exciting sports videos, including the video about BMXing as well as educational video with tips about wake-boarding, and he will teach you American slang words like «KICKER», «PHONE-JOCKEY», «SKETCHY». Вед.: Люк Придди, познавательное
16:153Ways2. Episode 7
In this programme: how to express amazement in 3 different ways. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
16:25English in Focus. Episode 42
In this episode, you will learn several useful set expressions with the noun «Leaf». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
16:35English-911. Episode 117
In this episode: 1) WISH versus DESIRE; 2) FILL IN versus FILL ON; 3) RED-LETTER DAY versus BLACK DAY. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
16:40English-911. Episode 118
In this episode: 1) TO PAINT versus TO DRAW; 2) TO BE IN THE SUN versus UNDER THE SUN; 3) an idiom TO CRY OVER SPILT MILK. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
16:45English-911. Episode 110
In this episode: 1) CULPRIT versus CRIMINAL; 2) TO DUMP versus TO DAMP; 3) SHOP versus STORE. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
17:00This Day in History
Learn what happened today in history around the world including major events, познавательное
17:10Gadget-x. Episode 12
In this episode: how to find buried treasure. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
17:25English-911. Episode 62
In this episode: NUMBER versus AMOUNT; LEND versus LOAN; CONTINUOUSLY versus CONTINUALLY. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
17:30English-911. Episode 63
In this episode: DIARY versus DAIRY; WHOSE versus WHO’S; I LIKE YOU SINGING versus I LIKE YOUR SINGING. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
17:35English-911. Episode 64
In this episode: INTERVENE versus INTERFERE; LOOK BACK ON versus LOOK FORWARD TO; ME TOO versus ME NEITHER. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
17:40Evolution. Episode 12
In this episode, curious facts from the history of lamps. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
18:00Wrong&right. Episode 5
In this episode, we'll look at and help you learn the correct form of the third person singular, досуг, хобби
18:05Wrong&right. Episode 32
18:10Grammar Wise. Episode 10
The topic of today’s episode: the words «Both», «Either» and «Neither». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
18:30City Grammar. Episode 6
In this episode: visit a Shakespeare’s Theatre and learn more about the past tense. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
18:40City Grammar. Episode 9
In this episode: visit Russi Espresso Bar in Central London and learn the difference between the active and passive voice. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
18:50City Grammar. Episode 11
In this episode: visit the famous Brick Lane and learn how to form the present continuous tense. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
19:00Now You See Me
Супертруппа иллюзионистов и магов под предводительством харизматичного Атласа дают несколько высокотехнологичных шоу. Сперва прямо на глазах у изумленных зрителей они грабят парижский банк, находясь при этом в Лас-Вегасе, затем разоблачают финансового афериста, направив его миллионы на банковские счета зрителей. Власти ошарашены их тщательно спланированными операциями, однако агент ФБР Дилан Роддс намерен заставить иллюзионистов расплатиться за свои преступления и остановить их. Но ему приходится действовать в команде с Альмой, следователем из Интерпола, которая сразу вызывает у него подозрения. Все это – в фильме «Иллюзия обмана», смеси удивительных иллюзий, головокружительных трюков и погонь от режиссера Луи Летерье. Реж.: Луи Летерье. В ролях: Джесси Айзенберг, Марк Руффало, Вуди Харрельсон, Мелани Лоран, Айла Фишер, Дэйв Франко, Майкл Кейн, Морган Фриман, Майкл Келли, Коммон, Элиас Котеас. США, Франция, 2013, триллер, детектив, криминал
20:45Basic Lexis. Visiting a fashion show
In this episode: visiting a fashion show. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
20:55Step by Step. Lost in Paris
In this programme, «Lost in Paris». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
21:00Simple phrases. Episode 5
In this episode, you will communicate with farm animals, let the car make its way on a wet road and look up at the night sky, познавательное
21:10Life around. Episode 5
In this episode, you will learn a necessary set of phrases describing travelling on board an aircraft as a passenger, 2024, досуг, хобби
21:20Life around. Episode 6
In this issue, you will learn terms and phrases used to describe the capabilities of special transport in the city, 2024, досуг, хобби
21:30Life around. Episode 48
This episode will help you remember and correctly apply vocabulary units to describe getting ready for bed and a night's rest, 2024, досуг, хобби
21:35Jack of all Trades. Episode 2
In this episode: useful vocabulary for communication with hairdressers. Реж.: Джейм Паглия. В ролях: Колин Фергюсон, Салли Ричардсон-Уитфилд, Джо Мортон, Эрика Серра, Нил Грэйстон, Найолл Мэттер, Tembi Locke, Крис Готье, Уоллес Шоун, Крэйг Андерсон. Великобритания, 2012, док. сериал
21:45Basic Lexis. Episode 14
Basic Lexis is the programme for those who start learning the language. Learn the most essential vocabulary. In this episode: drawing a picture with pencils. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
21:50Basic Lexis. Episode 15
In this episode: playing the guitar. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
22:00Coffee chat. Episode 27
The characters in this episode will discuss daily routine, cleaning the house, and help you learn some useful new vocabulary, досуг, хобби
22:05Coffee chat. Episode 28
In this issue, we'll talk about fishing and everything related to it, while learning a number of useful words on the subject, досуг, хобби
22:10Coffee chat. Episode 54
In this issue, we'll talk about the equipment that is used for videotaping so that you can memorise a whole range of useful new English words, досуг, хобби
22:15Easy talk. Episode 14
In this episode, you'll see how you can use existing knowledge to make the knowledge itself popular with people, познавательное
22:20Let's Talk. Episode 14
Let's talk about choosing a profession. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
22:35English in Focus. Episode 30
In this episode, you will learn several useful collocations with the verb «to come». Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
22:45English-911. Episode 105
In this episode: 1) CLOSET versus WARDROBE; 2) TO DRIVE versus TO RIDE; 3) TABLE versus DESK. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
22:50English-911. Episode 106
In this episode: 1) EXPLAIN versus DESCRIBE; 2) BUY versus PICK UP; 3) CHAIR versus STOOL. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
22:55English-911. Episode 109
In this episode: 1) TO UNDERSTAND versus TO REALISE; 2) BELOW versus UNDER; 3) JUMPER versus SWEATER. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Добро пожаловать в Зверополис – современный город, населенный самыми разными животными, от огромных слонов до крошечных мышек. Зверополис разделен на районы, полностью повторяющие естественную среду обитания разных жителей – здесь есть и элитный район Площадь Сахары, и неприветливый Тундратаун. В этом городе появляется новый офицер полиции, жизнерадостная зайчиха Джуди Хоппс, которая с первых дней работы понимает, как сложно быть маленькой и пушистой среди больших и сильных полицейских. Джуди хватается за первую же возможность проявить себя, несмотря на то что ее партнером будет болтливый хитрый лис Ник Уайлд. Вдвоем им предстоит раскрыть сложное дело, от которого будет зависеть судьба всех обитателей Зверополиса. Реж.: Рич Мур, Байрон Ховард, Джаред Буш. В ролях: Джиннифер Гудвин, Джейсон Бейтман, Идрис Эльба, Дженни Слейт, Нейт Торренс, Бонни Хант, Дон Лейк, Томми Чонг, Дж. К. Симмонс, Октавия Спенсер, Алан Тьюдик. США, 2016, комедия, анимация, приключения, для семьи
00:50Digital World. Episode 14
Италия, досуг, хобби
01:00This Day in History
Learn what happened today in history around the world including major events, познавательное
01:10Gadget-x. Episode 12
In this episode: how to find buried treasure. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
01:25English-911. Episode 62
In this episode: NUMBER versus AMOUNT; LEND versus LOAN; CONTINUOUSLY versus CONTINUALLY. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
01:30English-911. Episode 63
In this episode: DIARY versus DAIRY; WHOSE versus WHO’S; I LIKE YOU SINGING versus I LIKE YOUR SINGING. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
01:35English-911. Episode 64
In this episode: INTERVENE versus INTERFERE; LOOK BACK ON versus LOOK FORWARD TO; ME TOO versus ME NEITHER. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
01:40Evolution. Episode 12
In this episode, curious facts from the history of lamps. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
02:00Now You See Me
Супертруппа иллюзионистов и магов под предводительством харизматичного Атласа дают несколько высокотехнологичных шоу. Сперва прямо на глазах у изумленных зрителей они грабят парижский банк, находясь при этом в Лас-Вегасе, затем разоблачают финансового афериста, направив его миллионы на банковские счета зрителей. Власти ошарашены их тщательно спланированными операциями, однако агент ФБР Дилан Роддс намерен заставить иллюзионистов расплатиться за свои преступления и остановить их. Но ему приходится действовать в команде с Альмой, следователем из Интерпола, которая сразу вызывает у него подозрения. Все это – в фильме «Иллюзия обмана», смеси удивительных иллюзий, головокружительных трюков и погонь от режиссера Луи Летерье. Реж.: Луи Летерье. В ролях: Джесси Айзенберг, Марк Руффало, Вуди Харрельсон, Мелани Лоран, Айла Фишер, Дэйв Франко, Майкл Кейн, Морган Фриман, Майкл Келли, Коммон, Элиас Котеас. США, Франция, 2013, триллер, детектив, криминал
03:50City Grammar. Episode 11
In this episode: visit the famous Brick Lane and learn how to form the present continuous tense. Великобритания, 2012, познавательное
Добро пожаловать в Зверополис – современный город, населенный самыми разными животными, от огромных слонов до крошечных мышек. Зверополис разделен на районы, полностью повторяющие естественную среду обитания разных жителей – здесь есть и элитный район Площадь Сахары, и неприветливый Тундратаун. В этом городе появляется новый офицер полиции, жизнерадостная зайчиха Джуди Хоппс, которая с первых дней работы понимает, как сложно быть маленькой и пушистой среди больших и сильных полицейских. Джуди хватается за первую же возможность проявить себя, несмотря на то что ее партнером будет болтливый хитрый лис Ник Уайлд. Вдвоем им предстоит раскрыть сложное дело, от которого будет зависеть судьба всех обитателей Зверополиса. Реж.: Рич Мур, Байрон Ховард, Джаред Буш. В ролях: Джиннифер Гудвин, Джейсон Бейтман, Идрис Эльба, Дженни Слейт, Нейт Торренс, Бонни Хант, Дон Лейк, Томми Чонг, Дж. К. Симмонс, Октавия Спенсер, Алан Тьюдик. США, 2016, комедия, анимация, приключения, для семьи
05:50Easy talk. Episode 29
In this episode, together with the employees of the company, you will try to lift the veil of secrecy surrounding the production process, познавательное
05:55Easy talk. Episode 79
In this episode, you'll learn how it can be ugly and even harmful to make fun of a person for being different from everyone else. After all, pranksters can be met with a decent response, can't they? познавательное
23:30All About. Ep. 38.
23:35All About. Ep. 39.
23:40Here & There. Ep. 25.
23:50Here & There. Ep. 26.
00:00This Day In History.
00:10Labour Of Love. Ep. 11.
00:25What Did They Say. Ep. 37.
00:30What Did They Say. Ep. 38.
00:35What Did They Say. Ep. 39.
00:40Keep Fit. Ep. 6.
01:00The Imitation Game.
02:50English In Focus. Ep. 8.
03:00Monsters, Inc.
04:30All About. Ep. 41.
04:35All About. Ep. 42.
04:40Here & There. Ep. 27.
04:50Here & There. Ep. 28.
05:00English United. Ep. 2.
05:10English United. Ep. 3.
05:203Ways2. Ep. 6.
05:30English In Focus. Ep. 40.
05:40English 911. Season 2, Ep. 100.
05:45English 911. Season 2, Ep. 115.
05:50English 911. Season 2, Ep. 116.
06:00Art Land. Ep. 67.
06:05Art Land. Ep. 68.
06:10Crafty Hands. Season 2, Ep. 34.
06:20Okey-Dokey. Ep. 11.
06:30Once Upon A Time. Ep. 15.
06:40Word Party. Ep. 37.
06:45Word Party. Ep. 38.
06:50English Playtime. Ep. 1.
07:00Life Around Kids. Ep. 10.
07:05Magic Science. Ep. 10.
07:20Yummy For Mummy. Ep. 16.
07:30Kids In Action. Ep. 19.
07:35Kids In Action. Ep. 20.
07:40Alfred & Wilfred. Ep. 7.
07:45Life Around Kids. Ep. 48.
07:50Life Around Kids. Ep. 49.
08:00Simple Phrases. Ep. 5.
08:10Life Around. Ep. 5.
08:20Life Around. Ep. 6.
08:30Life Around. Ep. 48.
08:35Jack Of All Trades. Ep. 2.
08:45Basic Lexis. Ep. 14.
08:50Basic Lexis. Ep. 15.
09:00Film Set. Ep. 3.
09:15Digital World. Ep. 14.
09:25Here & There. Ep. 81.
09:35Here & There. Ep. 82.
09:45Study Choice. Ep. 10.
10:00Coffee Chat. Ep. 27.
10:05Coffee Chat. Ep. 28.
10:10Coffee Chat. Ep. 54.
10:15Easy Talk. Ep. 14.
10:20Let''s Talk. Ep. 14.
10:35English In Focus. Ep. 30.
10:45English 911. Season 2, Ep. 105.
10:50English 911. Season 2, Ep. 106.
10:55English 911. Season 2, Ep. 109.
11:00Perfect English. Ep. 17.
11:05Perfect English. Ep. 18.
11:10English In Focus. Ep. 3.
11:20Let''s Read Right. Ep. 9.
11:25Basic Lexis. Ep. 64.
11:35Basic Lexis. Ep. 65.
11:45Basic Lexis. Ep. 66.
11:55Step By Step. Season 2, Ep. 8.
12:00Art Land. Ep. 67.
12:05Art Land. Ep. 68.
12:10Crafty Hands. Season 2, Ep. 34.
12:20Okey-Dokey. Ep. 11.
12:30Once Upon A Time. Ep. 15.
12:40Word Party. Ep. 37.
12:45Word Party. Ep. 38.
12:50English Playtime. Ep. 1.
13:00Life Around Kids. Ep. 10.
13:05Magic Science. Ep. 10.
13:20Yummy For Mummy. Ep. 16.
13:30Kids In Action. Ep. 19.
13:35Kids In Action. Ep. 20.
13:40Alfred & Wilfred. Ep. 7.
13:45Life Around Kids. Ep. 48.
13:50Life Around Kids. Ep. 49.
14:00Film Set. Ep. 31.
14:15Film Set. Ep. 32.
14:30Film Set. Ep. 33.
14:45Easy Talk. Ep. 29.
14:50Easy Talk. Ep. 79.
15:00English United. Ep. 4.
15:153Ways2. Ep. 7.
15:25English In Focus. Ep. 42.
15:35English 911. Season 2, Ep. 117.
15:40English 911. Season 2, Ep. 118.
15:45English 911. Season 2, Ep. 119.
16:00This Day In History.
16:10Gadget-X. Ep. 12.
16:25English 911. Season 2, Ep. 62.
16:30English 911. Season 2, Ep. 63.
16:35English 911. Season 2, Ep. 64.
16:40Evolution. Ep. 12.
17:00Wrong&Right. Ep. 5.
17:05Wrong&Right. Ep. 32.
17:10Grammar Wise. Ep. 10.
17:30City Grammar. Ep. 6.
17:40City Grammar. Ep. 9.
17:50City Grammar. Ep. 11.
18:00Now You See Me.
19:45Basic Lexis. Ep. 66.
19:55Step By Step. Season 2, Ep. 8.
20:00Simple Phrases. Ep. 5.
20:10Life Around. Ep. 5.
20:20Life Around. Ep. 6.
20:30Life Around. Ep. 48.
20:35Jack Of All Trades. Ep. 2.
20:45Basic Lexis. Ep. 14.
20:50Basic Lexis. Ep. 15.
21:00Coffee Chat. Ep. 27.
21:05Coffee Chat. Ep. 28.
21:10Coffee Chat. Ep. 54.
21:15Easy Talk. Ep. 14.
21:20Let''s Talk. Ep. 14.
21:35English In Focus. Ep. 30.
21:45English 911. Season 2, Ep. 105.
21:50English 911. Season 2, Ep. 106.
21:55English 911. Season 2, Ep. 109.
23:50Digital World. Ep. 14.
00:00This Day In History.
00:10Gadget-X. Ep. 12.
00:25English 911. Season 2, Ep. 62.
00:30English 911. Season 2, Ep. 63.
00:35English 911. Season 2, Ep. 64.
00:40Evolution. Ep. 12.
01:00Now You See Me.
02:50City Grammar. Ep. 11.
04:50Easy Talk. Ep. 29.
04:55Easy Talk. Ep. 79.
05:00English United. Ep. 4.
05:153Ways2. Ep. 7.
05:25English In Focus. Ep. 42.
05:35English 911. Season 2, Ep. 117.
05:40English 911. Season 2, Ep. 118.
05:45English 911. Season 2, Ep. 119.
Note: Dear visitors, we are not the owners of the «English Club TV» channel. We are not responsible for broadcast programs and channel broadcast problems.